Psalms 33

33 <1> Rejoice in the Lord, good people!

It is only right for good people to praise him.

<2> Play the lyre[172] and praise the Lord.

Play the ten-stringed harp for him.

<3> Sing a new song[173] to him.

Play it well and sing it loud!

<4> The Lord's word is true.

You can depend on his teachings.

<5> He loves goodness and justice.

The Lord's faithful love fills the earth.

<6> The Lord spoke the command,

and the world was made.

The breath from his mouth

created everything in the heavens.

<7> He gathered together the water of the sea.

He put the ocean in its place.

<8> Everyone on earth

should fear and respect the Lord.

All the people in the world should fear him,

<9> because when he speaks, things happen.

And if he says, "Stop!"-

then it stops.[174]

<10> The Lord can make everyone's advice useless.

He can ruin all their plans.

<11> But the Lord's advice is good forever.

His plans are good for generation after generation.

<12> Those who have the Lord as their God are very fortunate,

because he chose them to be his own special people.

<13> The Lord looked down from heaven

and saw all the people.

<14> From his high throne he looked down

at all the people living on earth.

<15> He created every person's mind.

He knows what every person is thinking.

<16> A king is not saved

by his own great power.

A strong soldier is not saved

by his own great strength.

<17> Horses don't really bring victory in war.

Their strength cannot help you escape.

<18> The Lord watches over his followers

who wait for him to show his faithful love.

<19> He saves them from death.

He gives them strength when they are hungry.

<20> So we will wait for the Lord.

He helps us and protects us.

<21> He makes us happy.

We trust his holy name.

<22> Lord, we worship you,

so show your great love for us.
