Psalms 27


David's [song].

<1> Lord, you are my Light and my Savior,

so why should I be afraid of anyone?

The Lord is where my life is safe,

so I will be afraid of no one!

<2> Evil people might attack me.

They might try to destroy my body.

Yes, my enemies might attack me and try to destroy me,

but they will stumble and fall.

<3> Even if an army surrounds me,

I will not be afraid.

Even if people attack me in war,

I will trust in the Lord.

<4> I ask only one thing from the Lord.

It is what I want most:

Let me live in the Lord's house all my life,

enjoying the Lord's beauty

and spending time in his palace.[143]

<5> The Lord will protect me when I am in danger.

He will hide me in his tent.[144]

He will take me up to his place of safety.

<6> If he will help me defeat the enemies around me,

I will offer sacrifices[145] in his tent with shouts of joy.

I will sing and play songs to honor the Lord.

<7> Lord, hear my voice.

Be kind and answer me.

<8> My heart told me to come to you, Lord,

so I am coming to ask for your help.

<9> Don't turn away from me.

Don't be angry with your servant.

You are the only one who can help me.

My God, don't leave me, you are my Savior.

<10> Even if my mother and father leave me,

the Lord will take me in.

<11> I have enemies, Lord,

so teach me your ways.

Show me the right way to live.

<12> My enemies have attacked me.

They have told lies about me and have tried to hurt me.

<13> But I really believe that I will see

the Lord's goodness before I die.[146]

<14> Wait for the Lord's help.

Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord's help.
