Psalms 144


[A song] of David.[662]

<1> The Lord is my Rock.[663]

Praise the Lord!

He prepares me for war.

He trains me for battle.

<2> He loves me and protects me.

He is my safe place, high on the mountain.

He rescues me.

He is my shield.

I trust in him.

He helps me rule my people.

<3> Lord, why are people important to you?

Why do you even notice us?

<4> Our life is like a puff of air.

It is like a passing shadow.

<5> Lord, tear open the skies and come down.

Touch the mountains and smoke will rise from them.

<6> Send the lightning and make my enemies run away.

Shoot your "arrows" and make them run away.

<7> Reach down from heaven

and save me!

Don't let me drown in this sea of enemies.

Save me from these foreigners.

<8> These enemies are liars,

even when they swear to tell the truth.

<9> God, I will sing a new song

about the wonderful things you do.

I will praise you with a ten string harp.

<10> You help kings win their wars.

You saved your servant David from his enemy's sword.

<11> Save me from these foreigners.

These enemies are liars,

even when they swear to tell the truth.

<12> Save us so that our sons will be as strong as trees, and our daughters like the decorations in the palace.

<13> Save us so that our barns will be filled with crops,

and there will be thousands of sheep in our fields.

<14> Then our soldiers will be safe,

and no enemy will try to break in.

Then we will not go to war,

and people will not be screaming in our streets.

<15> At times like this,

people are very happy.

They are very happy

if the Lord is their God.

