Psalms 137

137 <1> We sat by the rivers in Babylon

and cried as we remembered Zion.[636]

<2> We hung our harps nearby,

there on the willow trees .[637]

<3> There in Babylon, those who captured us told us to sing.

Our enemies told us to entertain them:

"Sing us one of your song about Zion."

<4> But we cannot sing the Lord's songs

in a foreign country!

<5> Jerusalem, if I ever forget you,

may I never play a song again.

<6> If I fail to remember you,

may I never sing again.

I will never forget you.

Jerusalem will always be my greatest joy!

<7> Lord, remember the Edomites

and punish them for what they did when Jerusalem was captured.

They shouted, "Destroy its buildings!

Pull them down to the ground!"

<8> Babylon, you will be destroyed!

Bless the one who pays you back for what you did to us.

<9> Bless the one who grabs your babies

and smashes them against a rock.
