Psalms 136

135 <1> Praise the Lord!

Praise the name of the Lord!

Praise him, you servants of the Lord,

<2> who serve in the Lord's Temple,[633] in the courtyard of the Temple of our God.

<3> Praise the Lord, because he is good.

Praise his name, because it brings such joy!

<4> The Lord chose Jacob,[634]

he chose Israel to be his own people.

<5> I know the Lord is great!

Our Master is greater than all the gods!

<6> The Lord does whatever he wants,

in heaven and earth, in the seas and deep oceans.

<7> He spreads the clouds over all the earth.

He sends the lightning and rain,

and he opens the doors to release the winds.

<8> He destroyed all the firstborn males in Egypt,

both men and animals.

<9> He did great wonders and miracles in Egypt.

He used them against Pharaoh and his officials.

<10> He defeated many nations

and killed powerful kings.

<11> He defeated Sihon, king of the Amorites,

Og, king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms in Canaan.

<12> Then he gave their land to Israel, his people.

<13> Lord, your name will be famous forever!

Lord, people will remember you forever and ever.

<14> The Lord defends his people;

he is kind to his servants.

<15> The gods of other nations

are only gold and silver idols that people have made.

<16> They have mouths but cannot speak.

They have eyes but cannot see.

<17> They have ears but cannot hear.

They have mouths but no breath.

<18> Whoever makes idols

and puts their trust in them will become like them.

<19> Family of Israel, praise the Lord!

Aaron's family, praise the Lord!

<20> Levi's family, praise the Lord!

All you who worship the Lord, praise the Lord!

<21> The Lord should be praised from Zion,[635]

from Jerusalem, his home.

Praise the Lord!
