Psalms 132


A song for going up to the Temple.[617]

<1> Lord, remember how David suffered.

<2> He made a promise to you, Lord,

an oath to the Mighty God of Jacob.[618]

<3> He said, "I will not go into my house

or lie down on my bed,

<4> I will not sleep

or let my eyes rest,

<5> until I find a home for the Lord,

a tent for the Mighty God of Jacob!"

<6> We heard about this in Ephrathah.[619]

We found the Box of the Agreement[620] at Kiriath Jearim.[621]

<7> Now, let's go to the Holy Tent.

Let's worship at God's throne.[622]

<8> Lord, get up[623] and go to your resting place;

go with the Box that shows your power.

<9> May your priests be clothed in victory,

and your loyal followers be filled with joy.

<10> For the sake of your servant David,

don't reject your chosen king.[624]

<11> The Lord made a promise to David,

an oath of loyalty to him:

"I will always put one of your descendants on your throne.

<12> David, if your descendants obey my agreement

and the laws that I teach them,

then someone from your family

will always be the king."

<13> The Lord has chosen Zion[625] to be the place for his Temple,

the place he wanted for his home.

<14> He said,

"This will always be my place of rest.

This is where I want to sit on my throne.

<15> I will bless this city with plenty of food.

Even the poor will have enough to eat.

<16> I will clothe the priests with salvation,

and my followers will be filled with joy.

<17> This is where I will make David's family strong.

I will never let the lamp of my chosen king stop burning.

<18> I will cover his enemies with shame,

and on his head will be a shining crown."


