Psalms 118

118 <1> Praise the Lord because he is good!

His faithful love will last forever!

<2> Israel, say it:

"His faithful love will last forever!"

<3> Aaron's family,[583] say it:

"His faithful love will last forever!"

<4> You people worshiping the Lord, say it:

"His faithful love will last forever!"

<5> I was in trouble,

so I called to the Lord for help.

The Lord answered me

and made me free.

<6> The Lord is with me,

so I will not be afraid.

People cannot do anything to hurt me.

<7> The Lord is my helper.

I will see my enemies defeated.

<8> It is better to trust in the Lord

than to trust in people.

<9> It is better to trust in the Lord

than to trust in your leaders.

<10> Many enemies surrounded me,

but with the Lord's power I defeated my enemies.

<11> They surrounded me again and again,

but I defeated them with the Lord's power.

<12> They surrounded me like a swarm of bees,

but they were quickly destroyed like a fast burning bush.

I defeated them with the Lord's power.

<13> My enemy attacked me and almost destroyed me,

but the Lord helped me.

<14> The Lord is my strength and my reason for singing.[584]

He saved me!

<15> You can hear the victory celebration in the homes of those who live right.

The Lord has shown his great power again!

<16> The Lord's arm is raised in victory.

The Lord showed his great power again.

<17> I will live and not die,

and I will tell what the Lord has done.

<18> The Lord punished me,

but he did not let me die.

<19> Gates of goodness, open for me,

and I will come in and worship the Lord.

<20> Those are the Lord's gates,

and only good people can go through them.

<21> Lord, I thank you for answering my prayer.

I thank you for saving me.

<22> The stone that the builders rejected

became the cornerstone.[585]

<23> The Lord made this happen,

and we think it is wonderful!

<24> Today is the day the Lord has made.

Let's rejoice and be happy today!

<25> [The people say,]

"Praise the Lord!

The Lord saved us![586]

<26> Welcome the one who comes in the name of the Lord."

[The priests answer,]

"We welcome you to the Lord's house!

<27> The Lord is God, and he accepts us.

Tie up the lamb for the sacrifice[587] and carry it to the horns of the altar."[588]

<28> Lord, you are my God,

and I thank you.

My God, I praise you!

<29> Praise the Lord because he is good.

His faithful love will last forever.
