Psalms 115

115 <1> Lord, you should receive the honor, not us.

The honor belongs to you

because of your faithful love and loyalty.

<2> Why should the nations wonder where our God is?

<3> God is in heaven,

and he does whatever he wants.

<4> The "gods" of those nations are only statues that some human made from gold and silver.

<5> Those statues have mouths but cannot talk.

They have eyes but cannot see.

<6> They have ears but cannot hear.

They have noses but cannot smell.

<7> They have hands but cannot feel.

They have feet but cannot walk.

No sounds come from their throats.

<8> The people who make and trust those statues will become like them!

<9> People of Israel, trust in the Lord!

"He is their strength and shield."

<10> Aaron's family, trust in the Lord!

"He is their strength and shield."

<11> Followers of the Lord, trust in the Lord!

"He is their strength and shield."

<12> The Lord remembers us.

He will bless us.

He will bless Israel.

He will bless Aaron's family.

<13> The Lord will bless his followers, great and small.

<14> May the Lord give more and more

to you and your children.

<15> He made heaven and earth,

and the Lord welcomes you![581]

<16> Heaven belongs to the Lord,

but he gave the earth to people.

<17> The dead don't praise him.

Those in the grave don't praise the Lord.

<18> But we will praise the Lord now and forever!

Praise the Lord!
