Psalms 109


To the director.[568] A praise song of David.[569]

<1> God, don't close your ears to my prayer!

<2> Wicked people are telling lies about me.

They are saying things that are not true.

<3> People are saying hateful things about me.

They are attacking me for no reason.

<4> I loved them, but they were against me.

So I said a prayer.

<5> I did good things to them,

but they are doing bad things to me.

I loved them,

but they opposed me.

<6> They said,

"Appoint someone evil to judge him.

Find someone to prove he is wrong.

<7> Decide that he is guilty,

and use his prayer as evidence against him.

<8> Cut his life short,

and give his job to someone else.

<9> Make his children orphans

and his wife a widow.

<10> Let them lose their home

and become beggars.

<11> He owes money to people.

Let them take everything he owns.

Let strangers take everything he worked for.

<12> Let no one be kind to him.

Let no one show mercy to his children.

<13> May his name be removed

from the list of the citizens of Israel so his descendants will all lose their land.

<14> May the Lord remember the sins of his father,

and may his mother's sins never be erased.

<15> May the Lord remember their sins forever

and may he force people to forget him completely.

<16> Why? Because that evil man never did anything good.

He never loved anyone.

He made life hard for poor, helpless people.

<17> He loved to curse others,

so let those bad things happen to him.

He never blessed other people,

so don't let good things happen to him.

<18> Let curses be the clothes he wears,

the water he drinks and the oil he puts on his body.

<19> Let curses be the robe

he wraps around his body and the belt around his waist."

<20> That is what my enemies said about me.

They said they spoke for the Lord, but they said evil things about me.

<21> Lord, you are my Master.

So treat me in a way that brings honor to your name.

Save me because of your faithful love.

<22> I am only a poor, helpless man.

I am so sad; my heart is broken.

<23> I feel like my life is over,

like the long shadows at the end of a day.

I feel like a bug someone brushed away.

<24> My knees are weak because I am hungry.

I am losing weight and becoming thin.

<25> My enemies insult me.

They look at me and shake their heads.

<26> Lord my God, help me!

Show your faithful love and save me!

<27> Then they will know that you helped me.

They will know that it was your power, Lord, that helped me.

<28> They curse me,

but you can bless me.

They attacked me, so defeat them.

Then I, your servant, will be happy.

<29> Embarrass my enemies!

Let them wear their shame like a coat.

<30> I thank the Lord.

I praise him in front of many people.

<31> Why? Because he stands by helpless people.

He saves them from those who try to condemn them to death.

