Psalms 106

106 <1> Praise the Lord!

Thank the Lord because he is good!

His love is forever!

<2> No one can describe how great the Lord really is.

No one can praise him enough.

<3> Those who obey his commands are happy.

They do good things all the time.

<4> Lord, remember me when you are kind to your people.

Remember to save me too!

<5> Let me share in the good things

that you do for your chosen people.

Let me rejoice with your nation.

Let me join with your people in praise.

<6> We sinned just as our ancestors[554] did.

We were wrong, we did bad things!

<7> Lord, our ancestors learned nothing

from the miracles you did in Egypt.

They forgot your kindness at the Red Sea

and rebelled against you.

<8> But the Lord saved our ancestors

for his own name's sake.

He saved them to show his great power.

<9> He gave the command,

and the Red Sea became dry.

He led our ancestors through the deep sea,

on land as dry as the desert.

<10> He saved our ancestors

and rescued them from their enemies.

<11> He covered their enemies with the sea.

Not one of them escaped!

<12> Then our ancestors believed the Lord.

They sang praises to him.

<13> But our ancestors quickly forgot about what he did.

They did not listen to his advice.

<14> Our ancestors became hungry in the desert,

and they tested him in the wilderness.

<15> He gave them what they asked for,

but he also gave them a terrible disease.

<16> The people became jealous of Moses.

They became jealous of Aaron, the Lord's holy priest.

<17> So the Lord punished those jealous people.

The ground opened up and swallowed Dathan.

Then the ground closed up and covered Abiram's group.

<18> Then a fire burned that mob of people.

It burned those wicked people.

<19> The people made a golden calf at Mount Horeb.

They worshiped a statue!

<20> They traded their glorious God,

for a statue of a grass-eating bull!

<21> He saved our ancestors,

but they forgot all about him.

They forgot the God

who did the miracles in Egypt.

<22> He did amazing things in Ham's country![555]

He did awesome things at the Red Sea!

<23> God wanted to destroy those people,

but Moses, the man he chose, stopped him.

He was very angry,

but Moses blocked the way, so God did not destroy the people.[556]

<24> But then those people refused to go

into the wonderful land of Canaan.

They did not believe that God would help them

defeat the people living in that land.

<25> Our ancestors complained in their tents

and refused to obey the Lord.

<26> So he swore that they would die in the desert.

<27> He promised to scatter them among the nations

and to let other people defeat their descendants.

<28> At Baal Peor,

God's people joined in worshiping Baal and ate sacrifices to honor the dead.[557]

<29> The Lord became very angry with his people and made them sick.

<30> But Phinehas prayed[558] to God,

and God stopped the sickness.

<31> He considered what Phinehas did a good work,

and it will be remembered forever and ever.

<32> At Meribah, the people made God angry

and created trouble for Moses.

<33> They upset Moses,

and he spoke without stopping to think.

<34> The Lord told the people to destroy

the other nations living in Canaan.

But the Israelites did not obey him.

<35> They mixed with the other people

and did what those people were doing.

<36> God's people began worshiping the gods

that those other people worshiped.

And those idols became a trap.

<37> They even killed their own children

and offered them to those devils.

<38> They killed their own innocent children

and offered them to those false gods.

So the land was polluted

with the sin of murder.

<39> They were unfaithful to him,

and they became dirty

with the sins of other nations.

<40> So God became angry with his people.

He rejected those who belonged to him!

<41> He gave his people to other nations

and let their enemies rule over them.

<42> Their enemies controlled them

and made life hard for them.

<43> God saved his people many times,

but they turned against him

and did what they wanted to do.

His people did many bad things.

<44> But whenever they were in trouble,

he listened to their prayers.

<45> He always remembered his agreement,

and because of his faithful love, he comforted them.

<46> Other nations took them as prisoners,

but God made them be kind to his people.

<47> Lord our God, save us!

Bring us back from those nations,

so that we may give thanks

and sing praises to your holy name.

<48> Praise the Lord, the God of Israel.

He has always lived, and he will live forever.

Let all the people say, "Amen[559]!"

Praise the Lord!.

