Psalms 10

10 <1> Lord, why do you stay so far away?

Why do you hide from people in time of trouble?

<2> The wicked are proud and make evil plans

to hurt the poor, who are caught and made to suffer.

<3> Those greedy people brag about the things they want to get.

They curse the Lord and show they hate him.

<4> The wicked are too proud to ask God for advice.

He does not fit into their plans.

<5> They succeed in everything they do.

They don't understand how you can judge them.

They make fun of their enemies.

<6> They think that bad things will never happen to them.

They say to themselves,

"We will have our fun and never be punished."

<7> They are always cursing, lying,

and planning evil things to do.

<8> They hide just outside the villages,

waiting to kill innocent people.

They are always looking for any helpless person they can hurt.

<9> They are like lions hiding in the bushes

to catch weak and helpless animals.

They lay their traps for the poor,

who are caught in their nets.

<10> Again and again they hurt people

who are already weak and suffering.

<11> So the poor begin to think,

"God has forgotten us.

He has turned away from us forever.

He does not see what is happening to us."

<12> Lord, get up and do something.

Punish those who are wicked, O God.

Don't forget those who are poor and helpless.

<13> The wicked turn against God

because they think he will not punish them.

<14> More than anyone else, God,

you see the cruel, evil things that bad people do.

Helpless people were abandoned

and left for you to take care of.

After all, you are the one who cares for orphans.

So help them!

<15> Break the arms of those who are wicked and evil.

Punish them for the wicked things they have done.

Stop them from doing any more evil.

<16> Lord, you are King forever and ever,

so I know you will remove the wicked nations from your land.

<17> Lord, you have heard what the poor want.

Listen to their prayers, and do what they ask.

<18> Protect the orphans

and those who have been hurt.

Don't let powerful people drive us from our land!
