[1] 1:1 holy people Literally, "saints" or "holy ones," a term used in the New Testament to describe followers of Jesus Christ as God's special people. They are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and belong only to God.

[2] 1:1 elders Here, literally, "overseers." See "elders" in the Word List.

[3] 1:1 special servant The Greek word is diakonos, which is usually translated "servant." However, in three places (Rom. 16:1; Php. 1:2; 1 Tim. 3:8-13) the service of those so described is associated with a local church, indicating that they were chosen to serve in some special way. Cf. Acts 6:1-6.

[4] 1:2 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[5] 1:5 Good News In the gospels this is usually the news about the coming of God's kingdom (see above) or its representative Jesus Christ. In other places it is, more specifically, the news or message of God's grace-that he has made a way through Jesus Christ for people to be made right with him and enjoy his blessings now and forever.

[6] 1:7 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[7] 1:11 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[8] 1:12 Good News In the gospels this is usually the news about the coming of God's kingdom (see above) or its representative Jesus Christ. In other places it is, more specifically, the news or message of God's grace-that he has made a way through Jesus Christ for people to be made right with him and enjoy his blessings now and forever.

[9] 1:14 believer Where this word is marked, it is literally "brother," a term used by followers of Jesus Christ to refer to fellow members of God's family.

[10] 1:14 message See "Good News."

[11] 1:19 Spirit See "Holy Spirit."

[12] 1:19 freedom Or, "salvation."

[13] 1:21 death . benefit Paul says that death would be better, because death would bring him nearer to Christ.

[14] 1:29 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[15] 2:1 Spirit See "Holy Spirit."

[16] 2:11 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[17] 2:17 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[18] 2:22 Good News In the gospels this is usually the news about the coming of God's kingdom (see above) or its representative Jesus Christ. In other places it is, more specifically, the news or message of God's grace-that he has made a way through Jesus Christ for people to be made right with him and enjoy his blessings now and forever.

[19] 3:2 want to cut off . circumcised There is a play on words here in Greek. The key word is like "circumcision" (see the Word List), but it means "mutilation" or "cutting to pieces."

[20] 3:3 we are . circumcision Literally, "we are the circumcision." Paul uses the word "circumcision" (see the Word List) here in a spiritual sense of believers who share in the new agreement that God gave his people through Jesus.

[21] 3:3 Spirit See "Holy Spirit."

[22] 3:5 Israel The Israelite nation, descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was also called "Israel."

[23] 3:5 Pharisee A person who belonged to a Jewish religious group that claimed to follow carefully all Jewish laws and customs.

[24] 3:6 persecute To hurt, cause trouble for, or do bad things to someone, especially because of their beliefs.

[25] 3:6 church Literally, "assembly" or "community," the people who have been brought together as God's family through their common faith in Jesus Christ. The word often refers to a group of believers who meet together or who live in the same area, but it is also used to mean the worldwide community of all believers in Christ.

[26] 3:9 my faith in Or, "the faithfulness of."

[27] 4:3 Good News In the gospels this is usually the news about the coming of God's kingdom (see above) or its representative Jesus Christ. In other places it is, more specifically, the news or message of God's grace-that he has made a way through Jesus Christ for people to be made right with him and enjoy his blessings now and forever.

[28] 4:3 book of life God's book that has the names of all God's chosen people. See Rev. 3:5; 21:27.

[29] 4:15 Good News In the gospels this is usually the news about the coming of God's kingdom (see above) or its representative Jesus Christ. In other places it is, more specifically, the news or message of God's grace-that he has made a way through Jesus Christ for people to be made right with him and enjoy his blessings now and forever.

[30] 4:15 Macedonia The northern part of Greece, where Thessalonica and Philippi were.

[31] 4:15 church Literally, "assembly" or "community," the people who have been brought together as God's family through their common faith in Jesus Christ. The word often refers to a group of believers who meet together or who live in the same area, but it is also used to mean the worldwide community of all believers in Christ.

[32] 4:18 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[33] 4:20 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[34] 4:20 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.

[35] 4:22 Caesar The name or title given to the emperor (ruler) of Rome.

[36] 4:23 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.
