[1] 1:1 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[2] 1:3 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[3] 1:3 right side The place of honor and authority (power).

[4] 1:6 firstborn This word means that Christ was the first and most important of all God's children.

[5] 1:6 "Let . Son" These words are found in Deut. 32:43 in the ancient Greek version of the Old Testament and in a Hebrew copy among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

[6] 1:7 winds This can also mean "spirits."

[7] 1:13 until I put . power Literally, "until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."

[8] 2:4 miraculous sign An amazing act that demonstrates the power of God.

[9] 2:4 wonders Miracles that cause people to react with amazement and fear of God.

[10] 2:4 miracle An amazing act done by the power of God.

[11] 2:4 Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. In union with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

[12] 2:6 Scripture Part of the Scriptures or "Holy Writings"-the Old Testament.

[13] 2:6 son of man This can mean any human, but the name "Son of Man" (see the Word List) is often used to mean Jesus, who showed what God planned for all people to be.

[14] 2:7 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[15] 2:8 control Literally, "feet."

[16] 2:9 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[17] 2:11 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[18] 2:16 Abraham The most respected ancestor of the Jewish people. Through him God promised to make a great nation and bless all the people of the earth. Read Gen. 12:1-3.

[19] 2:17 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[20] 3:1 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[21] 3:1 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[22] 3:2 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[23] 3:7 Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. In union with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

[24] 3:13 today This word is taken from verse 7. It means it is important to do this now, while there is still opportunity.

[25] 3:16 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[26] 4:4 Scripture Part of the Scriptures or "Holy Writings"-the Old Testament.

[27] 4:4 Quote from Gen. 2:2.

[28] 4:7 David King of Israel about 1000 years before Christ.

[29] 4:8 Joshua The Israelite military captain who, after Moses died, took his place as the leader of the Israelites and led them into the land that God had promised them.

[30] 4:9 seventh-day rest Literally, "Sabbath rest," meaning a sharing in the rest God began after he created the world.

[31] 4:12 God's word God's teachings and commands.

[32] 4:14 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[33] 4:16 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[34] 5:1 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[35] 5:4 Aaron Moses' brother, who was chosen as the first high priest of Israel.

[36] 5:5 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[37] 5:6 Scripture Part of the Scriptures or "Holy Writings"-the Old Testament.

[38] 5:6 Melchizedek A priest and king who lived in the time of Abraham. See Gen. 14:17-24.

[39] 6:1-2 baptisms The word here may mean the baptism (brief 'burial' in water) of believers in Christ, or it may mean Jewish ceremonial washings.

[40] 6:1-2 the laying on of hands This act was a way of asking God to bless people in a special way. Here, it probably refers to what was done to give people power to begin a new work.

[41] 6:1-2 resurrection Being raised from death to live again.

[42] 6:4-6 Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. In union with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

[43] 6:4-6 message See "Good News."

[44] 6:13 Abraham The most respected ancestor of the Jewish people. Through him God promised to make a great nation and bless all the people of the earth. Read Gen. 12:1-3.

[45] 6:13 vow A very strong promise that a person makes, sometimes to God and often using the name of God or something else known to be real or important.

[46] 6:14 Quote from Gen. 22:17.

[47] 6:19 curtain The spiritual curtain in the heavenly temple, which was symbolized by the physical one that separated the inner sanctuary (and God's presence) from the other room in the Holy Tent and in the Jerusalem Temple. See "curtain" in the Word List.

[48] 6:20 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[49] 6:20 Melchizedek A priest and king who lived in the time of Abraham. See Gen. 14:17-24.

[50] 7:1 Melchizedek A priest and king who lived in the time of Abraham. See Gen. 14:17-24.

[51] 7:1 Abraham The most respected ancestor of the Jewish people. Through him God promised to make a great nation and bless all the people of the earth. Read Gen. 12:1-3.

[52] 7:3 No one . came from Literally, "Melchizedek was without father, without mother, without genealogy."

[53] 7:8 Scripture Part of the Scriptures or "Holy Writings"-the Old Testament.

[54] 7:11 law This usually refers to God's law as it is represented in the Mosaic Law, the rules he gave to the Israelites through Moses (See Ex. 34:29-32). Sometimes it may mean the principle of law rather than a specific law or set of laws.

[55] 7:11 Aaron Moses' brother, who was chosen as the first high priest of Israel.

[56] 7:13-14 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[57] 7:13-14 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[58] 7:15 Melchizedek A priest and king who lived in the time of Abraham. See Gen. 14:17-24.

[59] 7:17 Scripture Part of the Scriptures or "Holy Writings"-the Old Testament.

[60] 7:17 Quote from Ps. 110:4.

[61] 7:19 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[62] 7:20 vow A very strong promise that a person makes, sometimes to God and often using the name of God or something else known to be real or important.

[63] 7:20 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[64] 7:22 agreement A contract or agreement from God to his people. The agreement that God gave his people at Mount Sinai, based on the law of Moses, became the most important for the Israelites or Jews. It replaced or incorporated all other agreements, such as that given earlier to Abraham. In the New Testament it is referred to as the "old" or "first" agreement. After Jesus Christ came and offered his life as payment for the sins of all people, God was able to offer a "new" and "better" agreement based on Christ's sacrifice.

[65] 7:26 holy Devoted to God and living in a way that honors and pleases him.

[66] 7:27 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[67] 8:1 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[68] 8:1 right side The place of honor and authority (power).

[69] 8:2 Most Holy Place Literally, "holies" for "holy of holies," the spiritual place where God lives and is worshiped.

[70] 8:2 place of worship Literally, "Tabernacle" or "tent."

[71] 8:3 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[72] 8:5 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[73] 8:5 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[74] 8:5 Quote from Ex. 25:40.

[75] 8:6 new agreement The "better agreement" that God has given to his people through Jesus Christ. See "agreement."

[76] 8:7 first agreement The contract God gave to the Israelites when he gave them the law of Moses. See "agreement."

[77] 8:8 Israel First, Israel was the people descended from Jacob (see "Israel" in the Word List), but the name is also used to mean all of God's chosen people. Also in verse 10.

[78] 8:8 Judah One of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel); also the tribe and, later, the nation named after him. Described as the "southern kingdom," it was made up of the Israelite tribes that occupied the southern part of Palestine, while the northern tribes were united into a "northern kingdom" known as Israel.

[79] 9:1 first agreement The contract God gave to the Israelites when he gave them the law of Moses. See "agreement."

[80] 9:3 curtain The curtain that separated the inner sanctuary (Most Holy Place) from the front room in the Tabernacle (See "Holy Tent") and in the Jerusalem Temple. It represented the spiritual barrier that kept people from entering God's presence. When Jesus died, the curtain was torn open (Mt. 27:51), which was a symbol to show that in the heavenly temple the way into God's presence had been opened. See Heb. 10:19, 20.

[81] 9:3 Most Holy Place Literally, "holy of holies," the most important room in the Holy Tent or the Temple where the Box of the Agreement was kept. It was like a throne room where God sat as king of Israel and where the high priest entered into his presence on the Day of Atonement.

[82] 9:4 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[83] 9:4 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[84] 9:4 Box of the Agreement Or traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[85] 9:4 manna The special food provided by God that the Israelites gathered daily from the ground during the 40 years they wandered through the desert. See Ex. 16:4-36.

[86] 9:5 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[87] 9:5 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[88] 9:5 place of mercy Or "mercy seat," a place on top of the "Box of the Agreement," where the high priest put the blood of an animal once a year to pay for the sins of the people.

[89] 9:7 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[90] 9:8 Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. In union with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

[91] 9:8 Most Holy Place Literally, "holies" for "holy of holies," the spiritual place where God lives and is worshiped. Also in verses 12, 24.

[92] 9:9 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[93] 9:11 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[94] 9:14 Spirit Probably the Holy Spirit. See "Holy Spirit" in the Word List.

[95] 9:14 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[96] 9:15 new agreement The "better agreement" that God has given to his people through Jesus Christ. See "agreement."

[97] 9:15 first agreement The contract God gave to the Israelites when he gave them the law of Moses. See "agreement."

[98] 9:16 will The legal paper that people sign to give instructions about what should be done with their possessions after they die.

[99] 9:19 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[100] 9:19 hyssop A plant with fine branches and leaves used for sprinkling blood or water in cleansing ceremonies.

[101] 9:20 Quote from Ex. 24:8.

[102] 9:21 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[103] 9:22 law This usually refers to God's law as it is represented in the Mosaic Law, the rules he gave to the Israelites through Moses (See Ex. 34:29-32). Sometimes it may mean the principle of law rather than a specific law or set of laws.

[104] 9:23 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[105] 9:25 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[106] 9:25 Most Holy Place Literally, "holy of holies," the most important room in the Holy Tent or the Temple where the Box of the Agreement was kept. It was like a throne room where God sat as king of Israel and where the high priest entered into his presence on the Day of Atonement.

[107] 10:1 law This usually refers to God's law as it is represented in the Mosaic Law, the rules he gave to the Israelites through Moses (See Ex. 34:29-32). Sometimes it may mean the principle of law rather than a specific law or set of laws.

[108] 10:1 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[109] 10:10 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[110] 10:13 to be put under his power Literally, "to be made a footstool for his feet."

[111] 10:15 Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. In union with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

[112] 10:16 agreement The new and better agreement that God has given to his people through Jesus. See "agreement" in the Word List.

[113] 10:19 Most Holy Place Literally, "holies" for "holy of holies," the spiritual place where God lives and is worshiped.

[114] 10:20 curtain The spiritual curtain in the heavenly temple, which was symbolized by the physical one that separated the inner sanctuary (and God's presence) from the outer room in the Holy Tent and in the Jerusalem Temple. See "curtain" in the Word List.

[115] 10:25 Day Probably the day Christ will come to judge everyone and take his people to live with him.

[116] 10:26 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[117] 10:28 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[118] 10:29 new agreement The "better agreement" that God has given to his people through Jesus Christ. See "agreement."

[119] 10:29 Spirit See "Holy Spirit."

[120] 10:29 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[121] 10:30 Quote from Deut. 32:35.

[122] 10:30 Quote from Deut. 32:36.

[123] 11:4 Cain The son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel. Read Gen. 4:1-16.

[124] 11:4 Abel The son of Adam and Eve who was killed by his brother Cain. Read Gen. 4:1-16.

[125] 11:4 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[126] 11:5 Scripture Part of the Scriptures or "Holy Writings"-the Old Testament.

[127] 11:10 city The spiritual "city" where God's people live with him. Also called "the heavenly Jerusalem." See Heb. 12:22.

[128] 11:17-18 Quote from Gen. 21:12.

[129] 11:22 Israel The Israelite nation, descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was also called "Israel."

[130] 11:23 Moses One of the most important leaders of the Israelites during the time of the Old Testament. God used him to give the people his law, which is often called "the law of Moses."

[131] 11:26 Christ Literally, "Anointed," a title that comes from the Old Testament ceremony in which perfumed oil was poured or rubbed on someone being appointed to a high office, especially that of prophet, priest, or king, to show that this person was chosen by God for that role. The Hebrew word is "Messiah," a title used for Old Testament kings and for the one God would send as prophet, priest, and king to bring people back to a good relationship with him.

[132] 11:28 Passover A very important holy day for the people of Israel and their descendants. They ate a special meal on this day every year to remember that God freed them from slavery in Egypt in the time of Moses. The name may come from the word in Ex. 12:13, 23, 27 that means "to pass over" or "to protect."

[133] 11:28 angel of death Literally, "the destroyer." To punish the Egyptians, God sent an angel to kill the oldest son in each home. See Ex. 12:29-32.

[134] 11:28 firstborn The first child born into a family.

[135] 11:31 Israelite Belonging to the nation of Israel (see "Israel").

[136] 11:32 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[137] 11:35 torture To hurt or cause someone pain, often to force them to say something against their will.

[138] 11:37 persecute To hurt, cause trouble for, or do bad things to someone, especially because of their beliefs.

[139] 12:10 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[140] 12:14 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[141] 12:15 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[142] 12:18 Israel The Israelite nation, descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was also called "Israel."

[143] 12:20 Quote from Ex. 19:12-13.

[144] 12:21 Quote from Deut. 9:19.

[145] 12:21 Verses 18-21 These verses refer to things that happened to the people of Israel in the time of Moses as described in Ex. 19.

[146] 12:22 Mount Zion See "Zion."

[147] 12:22 Jerusalem Here, the spiritual city of God's people.

[148] 12:23 firstborn The first son born in a Jewish family had the most important place in the family and received special blessings. All God's children are like that.

[149] 12:24 new agreement The "better agreement" that God has given to his people through Jesus Christ. See "agreement."

[150] 12:24 sprinkled blood The blood (death) of Jesus.

[151] 12:24 Abel The son of Adam and Eve who was killed by his brother Cain. Read Gen. 4:1-16.

[152] 12:26 Quote from Hag. 2:6.

[153] 13:4 adultery Breaking a marriage promise by committing sexual sin.

[154] 13:9 grace The love and kindness that God shows in his complete willingness to give people favors he does not owe them and blessings they don't deserve.

[155] 13:10 sacrifice Literally, "altar." Here, it means the sacrifice (offering) of Jesus. He gave his life to pay for people's sins.

[156] 13:10 Holy Tent Or "Tabernacle," the special tent described in the law of Moses, where God lived among his people and where the Israelite priests performed their worship duties. It was often called the "Meeting Tent" because it was where the Israelites went to meet with God. It was used until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.

[157] 13:11 high priest The most important priest and leader of the Israelites or the Jews, God's people under the "old agreement." Under the "new agreement" the high priest for God's people is Jesus Christ. Read Heb. 7:11-8:13.

[158] 13:11 Most Holy Place Literally, "the holies," the place in the Jewish Tabernacle or Temple where God met the high priest.

[159] 13:12 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[160] 13:15 sacrifice To offer a gift to God as an expression of worship, thanksgiving or payment for sin. Also, the gift that is offered. In the Old Testament it was usually a special animal that was killed and burned on an altar. The Old Testament sacrifices offered for sins were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice that God himself would provide through Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. See Hebrews 10:1-14.

[161] 13:20-21 new agreement The "better agreement" that God has given to his people through Jesus Christ. See "agreement."

[162] 13:20-21 glory A word that refers to the special qualities of God. Often it means brightness, referring to the way he appears to people. Sometimes it means majesty or power, referring to a kind of greatness that cannot be compared to anything in human experience. It can also include the ideas of honor, fame or respect, especially in expressions of praise.

[163] 13:20-21 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.
