[1] 1:1-3 exile Living away from one's home country, usually by force.

[2] 1:1-3 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[3] 1:1-3 fifth day . thirtieth year If the year refers to Ezekiel's age, this is the same as the fifth year of exile, that is, July 31, 593 b.c.

[4] 1:4 hot metal The Hebrew word might mean "melted copper," "an alloy of gold and silver," or "amber." Also in verse 27.

[5] 1:12 spirit Or, "wind." Also in verse 20.

[6] 1:14 Or, "And there was something like lighting shooting back and forth among the living beings."

[7] 1:17 The wheels . moved Or, "The wheels could move in any four directions, but they did not turn when they moved."

[8] 1:22 bowl This Hebrew word is the same word used in Gen. 1:6-7 to describe the dome of the sky.

[9] 1:28 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[10] 2:1 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 3, 6, 8.

[11] 2:2 the Spirit came into me Or "a wind came."

[12] 2:5 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[13] 2:9 scroll A long roll of paper or leather used for writing on.

[14] 3:1 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 3, 4, 10, 16, 25.

[15] 3:11 exile Living away from one's home country, usually by force.

[16] 3:12 spirit Or, "wind." Also in verse 24.

[17] 3:15 Tel Aviv This was a place outside of Israel. The name means "Spring Hill."

[18] 3:17 watchman A guard who stood on the city wall, looked for enemy soldiers, and warned the people of the city if he saw trouble coming.

[19] 3:22 the valley Possibly, Jezreel Valley, a fertile area where many battles were fought. It is often called simply "The Valley."

[20] 3:23 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[21] 4:1 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 16.

[22] 4:2 battering rams Heavy logs that soldiers used to break holes into the gates or walls around a city.

[23] 4:5 390 days The ancient Greek version has "190 days."

[24] 4:8 your attack against the city This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word can mean "famine," "time of trouble," or "attack against a city."

[25] 4:9 spelt A kind of grain like wheat.

[26] 4:10 1 cup Literally, "20 shekels" (230g).

[27] 4:11 3 cups Literally, "1/6 hin" (.5 l).

[28] 4:13 unclean bread Bread that touched something unclean. If a person ate this bread, that person could not join in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for rules about clean and unclean things.

[29] 5:1-2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[30] 5:1-2 your famine Or, "your attack on the city." See Ezek. 4:8.

[31] 5:4 house of Israel This probably means the people of the northern ten tribes of Israel.

[32] 5:13 strong love The Hebrew word means strong feelings like love, hate, anger, zeal, or jealousy.

[33] 6:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in 7:2.

[34] 6:3 high place A place of worship usually on top of a hill, a mountain, or a man-made platform. Although high places were sometimes used for the worship of Yahweh, they are most often associated with pagan worship of false gods.

[35] 6:4 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[36] 6:4 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[37] 6:9 survivors People who escaped some disaster. Here, this means the Jewish people who survived the destruction of Judah and Israel by its enemy armies.

[38] 6:9 spirit Literally, "heart."

[39] 6:13 places for worship Or, "high places." Places for worshiping God or false gods. These places were often on the hills and mountains.

[40] 6:14 Diblah Desert This is probably "Riblah Desert."

[41] 7:13 sold their property In ancient Israel property did not belong to a person, it belonged to a family. People might sell their property, but at the time of Jubilee their family would get the land back. Here, Ezekiel says the people will never get their property again.

[42] 7:13 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[43] 7:26 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[44] 8:1 sixth year [of exile] This is the fall of 592 b.c.

[45] 8:2 hot metal The Hebrew word might mean "melted copper," "an alloy of gold and silver," or "amber."

[46] 8:3 spirit Or, "wind."

[47] 8:5 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 6, 7, 12, 15, 17.

[48] 8:10 reptiles The Hebrew word can mean "lizards," "snakes," and "all kinds of bugs and insects."

[49] 8:11 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[50] 8:14 Tammuz People thought this false god died and his wife Ishtar asked everyone to be sad and cry with her. Ishtar hoped this would bring him back to life. This ceremony was on the 2nd day of the fourth month (June/July). This month was named Tammuz because of this ceremony.

[51] 8:17 Look . god Or, "Look at them putting that cut branch in their noses."

[52] 9:1 Each . hand In Hebrew this is like Ezek. 8:11.

[53] 9:2 linen clothes Priests usually wore these clothes.

[54] 9:2 scribe's pen and ink set A scribe was a person who copied official documents and counted supplies and things. Scribes often carried a small board with dry ink in it and a pen. They could put water on the ink and then write with it. Also in verse 11.

[55] 9:3 Cherub angels Winged beings like angels that serve God, usually as guards around his throne or other holy places. Two statues of these beings were on the cover of the Box of the Agreement that represented God's presence. See Ex. 25:10-22.

[56] 9:5-6 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[57] 9:7 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[58] 10:1 bowl This Hebrew word is the same word used in Gen. 1:6-7 to describe the dome of the sky.

[59] 10:2 linen clothes Priests usually wore these clothes.

[60] 10:2 area between the wheels The Hebrew word can mean "chariot wheel," "whirling (spinning) wheel," or "tumbleweed." See chapter 1 for Ezekiel's full description. Also in verse 6.

[61] 10:3 south Literally, "right."

[62] 10:14-15 face of a Cherub This is the bull's face mentioned in Ezek. 1:10. See Ezek. 10:22.

[63] 10:14-15 vision by the Kebar Canal See Ezek. 1.

[64] 10:17 spirit Or, "wind."

[65] 11:1 spirit Or, "wind."

[66] 11:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 4, 15.

[67] 11:15 They were forced . bring them back This is a wordplay. The word meaning "redeemed" sounds like the word meaning "exiled."

[68] 11:19 spirit Or, "Spirit."

[69] 11:23 hill east of Jerusalem This is the Mount of Olives.

[70] 11:24 spirit Or, "wind."

[71] 11:25 exile Living away from one's home country, usually by force.

[72] 12:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 3, 9, 18, 22, 27.

[73] 12:13 But he . is going The enemy will poke out his eyes and make him blind.

[74] 13:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 17.

[75] 13:6 false prophet A person who claims to speak for God but does not really speak God's truth.

[76] 13:10 false prophet A person who claims to speak for God but does not really speak God's truth.

[77] 13:10 plaster A type of mud or cement that people used to cover a wall and make it smooth. This is also a wordplay. The Hebrew word is like the word meaning "It will fall." Also in verse 14.

[78] 14:1 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[79] 14:3 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 13.

[80] 14:13 famine A time when there is not enough rain for crops to grow, causing people and animals to die without enough food or water.

[81] 14:14 Noah, Daniel, and Job Three men from ancient times. They were famous for being very good and wise men. Here, Daniel might be the Danel in the writings from Ras Shamra. Also in verses 16, 18, 20.

[82] 15:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[83] 15:2 grapevine Many times the prophets said Israel was God's vineyard or grapevine. Also in 16:2, 3, 6.

[84] 16:8 spread my clothes over you This showed that he was agreeing to protect her and care for her. See Ruth 3:1-15.

[85] 16:8 agreement Here, this means the marriage agreement. But it also refers to the Agreement God made with the people of Israel.

[86] 16:10 Verses 10-13 All the materials in this list are the things used in building the Holy Tent. See Ex. 25-40.

[87] 16:16 places for worship Or, "high places." Places for worshiping God or false gods. These places were often on the hills and mountains. Also in verses 31, 39.

[88] 16:21 slaughter Usually, this means to kill an animal and cut it into pieces for meat, but it often means to kill people as if they were animals.

[89] 16:28 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[90] 16:36 spent your money Literally, "poured out your copper." This might also mean "you have done the things that stain you with sin."

[91] 16:37 let them see you naked The Hebrew words are like the words meaning "to be carried away as a prisoner to a foreign country."

[92] 16:46 Samaria . Sodom Ezekiel is saying the people in Judah are just as evil as the people who lived in Samaria and Sodom-and those people were so evil that God completely destroyed those cities.

[93] 16:57 Edom Or, "Aram."

[94] 17:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[95] 17:4 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[96] 18:12 When a debt is paid See Deut. 24:12-13 for the rules about making loans to the poor.

[97] 18:15 adultery Breaking a marriage promise by committing sexual sin.

[98] 19:11 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[99] 20:1 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[100] 20:1 seventh year [of exile] This was the summer of 591 b.c.

[101] 20:3 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 4, 27, 46.

[102] 20:6 land filled . good things Literally, "land flowing with milk and honey." Also in verse 15.

[103] 20:28 anger offerings The people called these meals "fellowship offerings," but Ezekiel is making fun of them and saying that those meals only made God angry.

[104] 20:29 But that . today Literally, "And its name is still called Bamah (high place) to this day."

[105] 20:30 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[106] 20:46 Negev Forest God is probably making fun of the people. The Negev is a desert area. There are no forests in the Negev.

[107] 21:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 6, 9, 12, 14, 19, 28.

[108] 21:3 sheath A leather or metal case for carrying a sword or knife.

[109] 21:21 arrows, idols, liver People who believed in false gods used these things to try to learn the future.

[110] 21:22 battering rams Heavy logs that soldiers used to break holes into the gates or walls around a city.

[111] 21:26 turban A head covering made by wrapping a long piece of cloth around the top part of the head or around a cap worn on the head.

[112] 21:28 sheath A leather or metal case for carrying a sword or knife.

[113] 21:29 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[114] 21:30 sheath A leather or metal case for carrying a sword or knife.

[115] 21:31 cruel men This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word is like the word meaning "to burn."

[116] 22:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 18, 24.

[117] 22:11 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[118] 22:24 not pure This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word also means "not rained on."

[119] 22:26 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[120] 22:26 clean Pure or acceptable. When used of animals, it means fit to be eaten. When used of people, it means fit to participate in the worship of God at the Tabernacle or Temple. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[121] 23:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 36.

[122] 23:4 Oholah This name means "Tent." It probably refers to the Holy Tent where the people of Israel went to worship God.

[123] 23:4 Oholibah This name means "My Tent is in her [country]." Also in verses 18, 21.

[124] 23:10 raped Literally, "revealed her nakedness." The Hebrew word meaning "revealed" is like the word meaning "carried away as a prisoner to a faraway country."

[125] 23:14 Chaldeans An important tribe in Babylon. Sometimes this name means simply "people from Babylonia." King Nebuchadnezzar was from this tribe, as were other kings of Babylon. Well educated people, they studied science, history, languages, and astronomy, but they also believed they could do magic and look at the stars to learn what would happen in the future.

[126] 23:15 turban A head covering made by wrapping a long piece of cloth around the top part of the head or around a cap worn on the head.

[127] 23:15 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[128] 23:31 You, yourself . your hands Or, "I put her cup in your hands."

[129] 23:37 adultery Breaking a marriage promise by committing sexual sin.

[130] 23:39 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[131] 23:39 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[132] 23:41 my incense A special blend of spices that were burned as a gift to God. This special incense was to be burned only in the Temple. See Ex. 30:34-38.

[133] 23:41 my oil The special oil that was used for anointing priests and things in the Temple to make them holy (special). See Ex. 30:22-33.

[134] 23:42 party The Hebrew word is like the word for a fellowship offering, a time when people came to share a meal and enjoy themselves together with the Lord. Here, it seems this time of worship turned into a wild party. See Deut 14:22-29; 26:1-15.

[135] 24:1 ninth year [of exile] This was 15 Jan 588 b.c.., the date that Nebuchadnezzar began his attack on Jerusalem.

[136] 24:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 16, 25.

[137] 24:7 blood . dirt The Law of Moses teaches that whoever killed an animal for food must pour the blood on the ground and cover it with dirt. This showed that they were giving the life of that animal back to God. See Lev. 17:1-16 and Deut. 12:1-25. If the blood was not covered with dirt, it was a witness against the killer. See Gen. 4:10, Job 15:18, and Isa. 26:21.

[138] 24:10 Mix in the spices We are not sure of the meaning of this sentence.

[139] 24:11 stains Or, "bronze."

[140] 24:17 turban A head covering made by wrapping a long piece of cloth around the top part of the head or around a cap worn on the head.

[141] 25:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[142] 25:8 Seir Or, "Edom."

[143] 26:1 eleventh year [of exile] This was probably the summer of 587 b.c. See 2 Kings 25:3.

[144] 26:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[145] 26:7 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[146] 26:11 hoofs The hard part of a horse's foot.

[147] 26:17 you were a famous city This can also mean "People have cried for you."

[148] 26:17 People . you This can also mean "People have lived in you for a long time."

[149] 27:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[150] 27:3 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[151] 27:6 deck The floor of a ship.

[152] 27:7 Cyprus Literally, "Elishah." This might be the area near Enkomi, Cyprus, or it might be the Greek islands.

[153] 27:9 Byblos Literally, "Gebal."

[154] 27:9 caulking Often a mixture of tar and rope that was put between the boards to make a ship watertight so that it would not leak. Also in verse 27.

[155] 27:12 Tarshish A city far away from Israel, probably in Spain, famous for its large ships that sailed the Mediterranean Sea.

[156] 27:14 nation Literally, "house." This might mean the royal family of that country.

[157] 27:15 Rhodes Or, "Dedan." See verse 20.

[158] 27:16 coral A hard, stone-like substance, usually pink, red, or black, that is formed from the skeletons of tiny sea animals and covers the ocean floor in certain areas.

[159] 27:17 balm An ointment from some kinds of trees and plants. It is used as medicine.

[160] 27:19 cassia The fragrant dried flowers of the ancient cinnamon tree that were used in anointing oil and as perfume.

[161] 27:21 Kedar An Arabian tribe that lived in the desert southeast of the land of Judah.

[162] 27:27 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[163] 27:33 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[164] 28:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 12, 21.

[165] 28:3 Daniel A wise man from ancient times. This might be Daniel from the Bible, or the Danel mentioned in the writings from Ras Shamra.

[166] 28:10 foreigner Literally, "uncircumcised." See "circumcise" in the Word List.

[167] 28:14 Cherub See Cherub angels.

[168] 28:18 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[169] 28:24 nettles Plants covered with stinging hairs.

[170] 29:1 tenth year [of exile] This was the winter of 587 b.c.

[171] 29:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 18.

[172] 29:3 great monster There were ancient stories about a sea monster that fought against God. The prophets called Egypt that sea monster many times. But here, this might mean the crocodiles that rest on the banks of the Nile River.

[173] 29:12 I will . strangers Or, "I will scatter them .."

[174] 29:17 twenty-seventh year [of exile] This was in the spring of 571 b.c.

[175] 30:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 21.

[176] 30:5 people of Israel Literally, "sons of the Agreement." This might mean "all the people who made peace agreements with Egypt," or it might mean "Israel, the people who made the Agreement with God."

[177] 30:13 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[178] 30:15 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[179] 30:17 On and Pi Beseth Heliopolis and Bubastis, cities in Egypt.

[180] 30:18 control Literally, "yoke."

[181] 30:20 eleventh year [of exile] This was the summer of 587 b.c. Also in 31:1.

[182] 31:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[183] 31:15 Sheol The place where people go when they die. Usually, this means the grave, but it can mean the place where spirits go.

[184] 31:15 mourn To express sorrow for someone who has died or for something lost. In ancient Israel people often put on special clothes, cried very loudly, and put ashes on their head to show their sadness.

[185] 31:18 foreigners Literally, "uncircumcised." This showed that these people did not share in the Agreement God made with Israel.

[186] 32:1 twelfth year [of exile] This was early spring, 585 b.c. Also in verse 17.

[187] 32:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 18.

[188] 32:2 dragon This might be a crocodile or a giant sea creature. The giant sea creature represented the power of the sea, and the Nile River made Egypt a powerful nation.

[189] 32:19 foreigners Literally, "uncircumcised." This showed that these people did not share in the Agreement God made with Israel.

[190] 32:22-23 Assyria A powerful nation northeast of Israel.

[191] 33:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 7, 10, 12, 24, 30.

[192] 33:2 watchman A guard who stood on the city wall, looked for enemy soldiers, and warned the people of the city if he saw trouble coming.

[193] 33:21 twelfth year [of exile] This was the winter of 586 b.c.

[194] 33:25 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[195] 33:27 fortress A building or city with tall, strong walls for protection.

[196] 34:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[197] 34:27 yoke A pole that was put across the shoulders of men, usually slaves, or animals and used in pulling or carrying heavy loads.

[198] 35:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[199] 36:1 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 17.

[200] 36:2 mountains Literally, "high places," usually a reference to places of worship.

[201] 36:17 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[202] 36:18 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[203] 36:27 I will put my Spirit inside you Or, "I will make my Spirit live among you."

[204] 36:28 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[205] 36:29 famine A time when there is not enough rain for crops to grow, causing people and animals to die without enough food or water.

[206] 37:1 Spirit Or, "wind."

[207] 37:1 the valley Possibly, Jezreel Valley, a fertile area where many battles were fought. It is often called simply "The Valley."

[208] 37:3 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 9, 11, 16.

[209] 37:5 breath Or, "wind" or "a spirit."

[210] 37:9 wind Or, "breath" or "spirit." Also in verse 10.

[211] 37:11 bones . dried up This is a way of saying, "We have lost our strength."

[212] 37:14 Spirit Or, "spirit" or "wind."

[213] 37:16 friends This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word is like the word meaning "joined together."

[214] 37:23 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[215] 37:25 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[216] 38:2 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 14.

[217] 38:6 nation of Togarmah Or, "Beth Togarmah."

[218] 38:12 They live . the world The powerful countries must travel through there to get to all the other powerful countries.

[219] 38:13 merchant A person who earns a living by buying and selling things.

[220] 38:21 every kind of terror against This is from the ancient Greek version. The Hebrew has "a sword against."

[221] 39:1 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verse 17.

[222] 39:11 Valley of the Travelers This is a wordplay on the name Arabah Valley.

[223] 39:16 Hamonah This Hebrew word means "crowd."

[224] 40:1 tenth day of the month This was the Day of Atonement, 573 b.c. See Lev. 23:26; 25:9.

[225] 40:1 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[226] 40:2 On the mountain . city Or, "On the mountain, there was a building that looked like a city with a city south of it."

[227] 40:4 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[228] 40:5 Temple The permanent building in Jerusalem that replaced the portable "Holy Tent" that was used by the Israelites from the time of their wandering in the desert to the reign of king Solomon, when the first Temple was built. Like the Holy Tent, the Temple was the center of Israelite worship, although provision was made for it to be "a house of prayer for all nations" (Isa. 56:7).

[229] 40:5 6 cubits 10' 2 7/16" (3.11 m). Also in verse 12.

[230] 40:5 long measurement Literally, "a cubit and a handbreadth." This cubit equals 20 5/8" (51.83 cm).

[231] 40:5 one ruler That is, 6 cubits (10' 2 7/16" or 3.11 m). Also in verses 6, 7.

[232] 40:7 5 cubits 8' 6" (2.6 m). Also in verses 30, 48.

[233] 40:9 8 cubits 13' 7 1/4" (4.2 m).

[234] 40:9 2 cubits 3' 4 13/16" (104 cm).

[235] 40:11 10 cubits 17' 1/16" (5.18 m).

[236] 40:11 13 cubits 22' 1 1/4" (6.74 m).

[237] 40:12 1 cubit 20 3/8" (51.83 cm). Also in verse 42.

[238] 40:13 25 cubits 42' 6 1/8" (12.96 m). Also in verses 21, 25, 29, 33, 36.

[239] 40:14 Verse 14 The meaning of this verse is very uncertain.

[240] 40:14 60 cubits 102' 3/8" (31.1 m).

[241] 40:15 50 cubits 85' 5/16" (25.92 m). Also in verses 21, 25, 29. 33, 36.

[242] 40:16 small windows These let the soldiers defending the city shoot arrows out at the enemy. The narrow part of the window was on the enemy's side of the wall to give the smallest target.

[243] 40:19 100 cubits 170' 5/8" (51.83 m). Also in verse 23, 27, 47.

[244] 40:37 porch Hebrew has "side walls."

[245] 40:39 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[246] 40:39 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[247] 40:42 1 1/2 cubits 30 5/8" (77.75 cm).

[248] 40:43 meat hooks . long Or, "Double shelves three inches wide .."

[249] 40:44 two rooms Or, "rooms for the singers."

[250] 40:44 south This is from the ancient Greek version. The Hebrew has "east."

[251] 40:46 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[252] 40:46 carry the sacrifices . the Lord Literally, "approach the Lord to serve him."

[253] 40:48 3 cubits 5' 1 3/16" (1.55 m).

[254] 40:48 14 cubits 23' 9 11/16" (7.26 m).

[255] 40:49 20 cubits 34' 1/8" (10.37 m). Also in 41:2, 4.

[256] 40:49 12 cubits 20' 4 7/8" (6.22 m).

[257] 40:49 20 . long Literally, "20 cubits long . 12 cubits wide."

[258] 41:1 6 cubits 10' 2 7/16" (3.11 m). Also in verses 3, 5.

[259] 41:2 10 cubits 17' 1/16" (5.18 m).

[260] 41:2 5 cubits 8' 6" (2.6 m). Also in verses 9, 12.

[261] 41:2 40 cubits 68' 1/4" (20.73 m).

[262] 41:3 2 cubits 3' 4 13/16" (104 cm). Also in verse 22.

[263] 41:3 7 cubits 11' 10 13/16" (3.63 m).

[264] 41:5 4 cubits 6' 9 5/8" (2.1 m).

[265] 41:8 full ruler That is, 6 cubits (10' 2 7/16" or 3.11 m).

[266] 41:10 20 cubits 34' 1/8" (10.37 m).

[267] 41:12 70 cubits 119' 7/16" (36.28 m).

[268] 41:12 90 cubits 153' 9/16" (46.65 m).

[269] 41:13 100 cubits 170' 5/8" (51.83 m). Also in verse 15.

[270] 41:22 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[271] 41:22 3 cubits 5' 1 3/16" (1.55 m).

[272] 42:2 100 cubits 170' 5/8" (51.83 m).

[273] 42:2 50 cubits 85' 5/16" (25.92 m).

[274] 42:3 20-cubits 34' 1/8" (10.37 m).

[275] 42:4 10 cubits 17' 1/16" (5.18 m).

[276] 42:13 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[277] 42:16 500 cubits 850' 3 1/16" (259.16 m).

[278] 42:20 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[279] 43:3 vision Something like a dream used by God to speak to people.

[280] 43:4 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[281] 43:5 Spirit Or, "spirit" or "wind."

[282] 43:7 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel. Also in verses 10, 18.

[283] 43:7 sexual sins This might also mean "turning away from God and being unfaithful to him."

[284] 43:13 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[285] 43:13 long measurement Literally, "a cubit and a handbreadth." This cubit equals 20 5/8" (51.83 cm).

[286] 43:13 1 cubit 20 3/8" (51.83 cm).

[287] 43:13 1 span The distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger, about 9" or 22 cm.

[288] 43:14 2 cubits 3' 4 13/16" (104 cm). Also in verse 17.

[289] 43:14 4 cubits 6' 9 5/8" (2.1 m).

[290] 43:16 12 cubits 20' 4 7/8" (6.22 m).

[291] 43:17 14 cubits 23' 9 11/16" (7.26 m).

[292] 43:17 1/2 cubit 10 3/16" (25.92 cm).

[293] 43:18 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[294] 43:19 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[295] 43:27 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[296] 44:4 Glory of the Lord One of the forms God used when he appeared to people. It was like a bright, shining light. In the book of Numbers it might have been a bright light or a tall cloud.

[297] 44:5 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[298] 44:7 really circumcised Literally, "they were not circumcised in their heart or in their body." See "circumcise" in the Word List. Also in verse 9.

[299] 44:10 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[300] 44:18 turban A head covering made by wrapping a long piece of cloth around the top part of the head or around a cap worn on the head.

[301] 44:20 These priests . grow long This would show that they are sad, and the priests must be happy about serving the Lord.

[302] 44:22 virgin A woman, especially a young woman, who is not married and has never had sexual relations.

[303] 44:23 holy Set apart or chosen for a special use; especially, belonging to God or used only for him. Also, pure or perfect, worthy of God and fit for his service. In the New Testament God's people are holy because they have been made pure through Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, keep themselves from sin and live only for God.

[304] 45:1 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[305] 45:1 25,000 cubits 8.05 miles (12.96 km). Also in verses 4, 6.

[306] 45:1 20,000 cubits 6.44 miles (10.37 km). This is from the ancient Greek version. The Hebrew has 10,000 cubits (3.22 miles or 5.18 km).

[307] 45:2 500 cubits 850' 3 1/16" (259.16 m).

[308] 45:2 50 cubits 85' 5/16" (25.92 m).

[309] 45:3 10,000 cubits 3.22 miles (5.18 km). Also in verse 5.

[310] 45:6 5000 cubits 1.61 miles (2.6 km).

[311] 45:11 homer A measure equal to about 7 bushels or about 60 gallons (220 l). Also in verse 13.

[312] 45:12 shekel A weight equal to 2/5 of an ounce or 11.5 grams. This also became an amount of money.

[313] 45:13 1/6 ephah 14 cups (3.67 l).

[314] 45:14 1/10 bath 1/2 gallon (2.2 l).

[315] 45:14 cor 55 gallons (220 l).

[316] 45:15 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[317] 45:15 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[318] 45:17 New Moon The first day of the month for Israelites or Jews, which they celebrated as a special day of rest and worship. The people met together and shared in the fellowship offerings like those described in Lev. 7:16-21.

[319] 45:17 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[320] 45:19 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[321] 45:21 Festival of Unleavened Bread An important and holy week for the people of Israel and their descendants. In the time of the Old Testament it began the day after Passover, but by New Testament times the two festivals had become one. To prepare for it, the people threw out all their yeast and ate only bread without yeast for seven days."

[322] 45:22 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[323] 45:23 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[324] 45:24 ephah A dry measure (3/5 bushel or 22 l). Also in 46:5, 7, 11.

[325] 45:24 hin A liquid measure (1 gallon or 3.2 l). Also in 46:5, 7, 11.

[326] 46:1 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[327] 46:1 New Moon The first day of the month for Israelites or Jews, which they celebrated as a special day of rest and worship. The people met together and shared in the fellowship offerings like those described in Lev. 7:16-21.

[328] 46:2 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[329] 46:2 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[330] 46:13 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[331] 46:14 1/6 ephah 14 cups (3.67 l).

[332] 46:14 1/3 hin A liquid measure (1/3 gallon or 1 l).

[333] 46:17 year of freedom Also called "Jubilee." Every 50 years the Israelites were to set their slaves free if they were Israelites. Also the people gave all the land back to the Israelite family that originally owned the land.

[334] 46:20 sin offering Or "purification offering," a sacrifice that was offered to God to remove impurities from sin and make a person fit to worship God.

[335] 46:22 40 cubits 68' 1/4" (20.73 m).

[336] 46:22 30 cubits 51' 3/16" (15.55 m).

[337] 47:1 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[338] 47:3 1000 cubits 1/3 mile (518.32 m).

[339] 47:6 Son of man This was usually just a way of saying "a person" or "a human being." Here, it is a way of addressing Ezekiel.

[340] 47:14 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[341] 48:8 25,000 cubits 8.05 miles (12.96 km). Also in verses 9, 13, 15, 20, 21-22.

[342] 48:9 dedicate To set apart something for God or for a special purpose, which means it can then be used only for that purpose.

[343] 48:9 20,000 cubits 6.44 miles (10.37 km). Most Greek copies have 25,000 cubits, and Hebrew has 10,000 cubits, but see Ezek. 45:1.

[344] 48:10 10,000 cubits 3.22 miles (5.18 km). Also in verses 13, 18.

[345] 48:13 20,000 cubits 6.44 miles (10.37 km). Most Greek copies have 25,000 cubits, and Hebrew has 10,000 cubits, but see Ezek. 45:1.

[346] 48:15 5000 cubits 1.61 miles (2.6 km).

[347] 48:16 4500 cubits 1.45 miles (2.33 km). Also in verses 30, 32-34.

[348] 48:17 250 cubits 425' 1 1/2" (129.58 m).

[349] 48:35 18,000 cubits 5.8 miles (9.33 km).

[350] 48:35 The Lord Is There In Hebrew this name sounds like Jerusalem.
