[1] 1:6 linen Thread or cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant.

[2] 1:6 porphyry A dark red or purple stone.

[3] 1:10-11 eunuch A public official or a servant in charge of the women in a ruler's household. Originally, a man who had been castrated so that he could not have sex.

[4] 2:2 virgin A woman, especially a young woman, who is not married and has never had sexual relations.

[5] 2:3 eunuch A public official or a servant in charge of the women in a ruler's household. Originally, a man who had been castrated so that he could not have sex.

[6] 2:12 myrrh Sweet-smelling sap from the bark of trees or other plants that was used for perfume and also to prepare bodies for burial. Mixed with wine, it was probably used to relieve pain (Mk. 15:23).

[7] 2:14 slave woman Or "concubine," a woman who was owned by a man and treated like a wife.

[8] 3:7 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[9] 3:9 750,000 pounds Literally, "10,000 talents" (340,000 kg).

[10] 3:12 satrap An official who ruled over a Persian province.

[11] 4:3 fast To live without food for a time of prayer or mourning.

[12] 4:4 eunuch A public official or a servant in charge of the women in a ruler's household. Originally, a man who had been castrated so that he could not have sex.

[13] 4:11 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[14] 5:2 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[15] 5:14 75 feet Literally, "50 cubits" (22 m).

[16] 6:14 eunuch A public official or a servant in charge of the women in a ruler's household. Originally, a man who had been castrated so that he could not have sex.

[17] 7:8 killed Haman Literally, "covered Haman's face."

[18] 7:9 eunuch A public official or a servant in charge of the women in a ruler's household. Originally, a man who had been castrated so that he could not have sex.

[19] 7:9 75 feet Literally, "50 cubits" (22 m).

[20] 8:4 scepter A special stick carried by kings to show their authority.

[21] 8:9 satrap An official who ruled over a Persian province.

[22] 8:15 linen Thread or cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant.

[23] 9:3 satrap An official who ruled over a Persian province.

[24] 9:24 lots Stones, sticks, or bones used like dice for making decisions. See Prov. 16:33.

[25] 9:30 peace . trust Or, "fellowship and truth." Zech. 8:19 teaches that this is how people should celebrate the festivals and why God gave them.

[26] 9:31 fast To live without food for a time of prayer or mourning.
