[1] 1:2 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[2] 1:7 Negev The desert area in the southern part of Judah.

[3] 1:8 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[4] 1:11 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[5] 1:19 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[6] 1:21 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[7] 1:28 giants Literally, "Anakites," descendants of Anak, a family famous for tall and powerful fighting men. See Num. 13:33.

[8] 1:34 vow A very strong promise that a person makes, sometimes to God and often using the name of God or something else known to be real or important.

[9] 1:35 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[10] 2:1 Seir Another name for Edom.

[11] 2:9 descendants of Lot Lot's sons were Moab and Ammon. See Gen. 19:30-38.

[12] 2:10 Anakites Descendants of Anak. They were a family famous for tall and powerful fighting men. See Num. 13:33.

[13] 2:22 Seir The hill country of Edom.

[14] 3:11 13 feet long and 6 feet wide Literally, "9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide, following the measure of a man's cubit."

[15] 3:17 Lake Galilee Literally, "Kinnereth Lake."

[16] 3:17 Dead Sea Literally, "Arabah Sea." Also called the "Salt Sea."

[17] 4:1 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[18] 4:3 Baal A false god worshiped by the Canaanites. They believed he brought rain and storms and made the land produce good crops.

[19] 4:10 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[20] 4:20 furnace Literally, "iron furnace." That is, an oven hot enough to soften iron so that it can be hammered into something useful.

[21] 4:37 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[22] 4:48 Sirion Or, "Siyon."

[23] 4:49 Dead Sea Literally, "Arabah Sea."

[24] 5:2 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[25] 5:3 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[26] 5:8 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[27] 5:9 I hate . gods Or, "I am El Kanah-the Jealous God."

[28] 5:10 Or, "But I will show mercy to thousands of people who love me and obey my commands."

[29] 5:12 Sabbath Saturday, the seventh day of the week and a special day for Israelites or Jews. By God's command it was set aside as a time for the people to rest and honor God.

[30] 5:18 adultery Breaking a marriage promise by committing sexual sin.

[31] 5:20 Or, "You must not be a false witness against your neighbor."

[32] 5:23 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[33] 6:3 land filled . good things Literally, "land flowing with milk and honey."

[34] 6:3 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[35] 6:11 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[36] 6:15 he . gods Or, "The Lord your God is El Kanah-the Jealous God."

[37] 6:23 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[38] 6:25 Or, "The Lord our God will credit us with righteousness (goodness) if we carefully obey the whole law, exactly as he commanded us."

[39] 7:5 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[40] 7:5 memorial stone A stone that was set up to help people remember something special. In ancient Israel, people often set up stones at places where they worshiped false gods.

[41] 7:5 Asherah pole A wooden pole (originally, perhaps, a tree trunk) that was set up to honor the goddess Asherah.

[42] 7:8 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[43] 7:20 hornet A stinging insect like a large wasp or bee. Here, it might mean God's angel or his great power.

[44] 8:1 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[45] 8:3 manna The special food provided by God that the Israelites gathered daily from the ground during the 40 years they wandered through the desert. See Ex. 16:4-36.

[46] 8:8 pomegranate A red fruit filled with tiny seeds, each covered with a sweet, juicy part of the fruit.

[47] 8:16 manna The special food provided by God that the Israelites gathered daily from the ground during the 40 years they wandered through the desert. See Ex. 16:4-36.

[48] 8:16 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[49] 9:2 Anakites Descendants of Anak. They were a family famous for tall and powerful fighting men. See Num. 13:33.

[50] 9:5 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[51] 9:8 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[52] 10:8 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[53] 10:9 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[54] 10:11 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[55] 10:15 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[56] 11:4 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[57] 11:9 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[58] 11:9 land filled . good things Literally, "land flowing with milk and honey."

[59] 12:1 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[60] 12:3 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[61] 12:3 memorial stone A stone that was set up to help people remember something special. In ancient Israel, people often set up stones at places where they worshiped false gods.

[62] 12:3 Asherah pole A wooden pole (originally, perhaps, a tree trunk) that was set up to honor the goddess Asherah.

[63] 12:6 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[64] 12:6 one-tenth . animals Or, "tithes." Also in verse 11.

[65] 12:12 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[66] 12:15 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[67] 12:15 clean Pure or acceptable. When used of animals, it means fit to be eaten. When used of people, it means fit to participate in the worship of God at the Tabernacle or Temple. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[68] 12:15 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[69] 13:6 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[70] 14:1 shave your heads Literally, "shave between your eyes."

[71] 14:5 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[72] 14:6 cud The food that is brought up from the stomach of some animals (like cattle) and chewed again. See Lev. 11.

[73] 14:7 clean Pure or acceptable. When used of animals, it means fit to be eaten. When used of people, it means fit to participate in the worship of God at the Tabernacle or Temple. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[74] 14:19 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[75] 14:27 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[76] 15:18 Remember . hired worker Or, "Remember, he served you for six years for the same amount you would have paid a hired worker."

[77] 15:22 clean Pure or acceptable. When used of animals, it means fit to be eaten. When used of people, it means fit to participate in the worship of God at the Tabernacle or Temple. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[78] 15:22 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[79] 15:22 gazelle A small, fast kind of antelope, an animal like a deer.

[80] 16:1 Abib This name means "young heads of grain." This is Nisan, the first month of the ancient Jewish year. It was about mid-March to mid-April.

[81] 16:1 Passover A very important holy day for the people of Israel and their descendants. They ate a special meal on this day every year to remember that God freed them from slavery in Egypt in the time of Moses. The name may come from the word in Ex. 12:13, 23, 27 that means "to pass over" or "to protect."

[82] 16:3 unleavened Referring to bread that is made without yeast or anything else to make it rise.

[83] 16:11 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[84] 16:13 threshing Putting newly harvested wheat or other grain on a hard floor and walking on it or beating it with special tools to separate the hulls from the grain.

[85] 16:13 winepress A place dug in rock used to mash grapes and collect the juice for making wine.

[86] 16:13 Festival of Shelters A special week each year when the Israelites, and later the Jews, lived in tents to remember that their people wandered in the desert for 40 years during the time of Moses.

[87] 16:14 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[88] 16:16 Festival of Unleavened Bread An important and holy week for the people of Israel and their descendants. In the time of the Old Testament it began the day after Passover, but by New Testament times the two festivals had become one. To prepare for it, the people threw out all their yeast and ate only bread without yeast for seven days."

[89] 16:21 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[90] 16:21 Asherah An important Canaanite goddess, the wife of the Canaanite god El and possibly Baal. People thought she could help them have children.

[91] 18:4 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[92] 18:8 in addition . gets Or, "without regard to gifts from family and friends."

[93] 18:10 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[94] 18:11 medium A person who tries to talk with the spirits of people who have died.

[95] 18:11 wizard A person who uses the power of Satan or evil spirits to do magic.

[96] 18:15 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[97] 18:16 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[98] 18:20 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.

[99] 19:6 close relative Literally, "avenger of blood." When a person was killed, his relative had to be sure the killer was punished. Also in verse 12.

[100] 19:8 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[101] 19:12 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[102] 20:1 chariot A small, two-wheeled cart pulled by horses and used in war.

[103] 20:5 dedicate To set apart something for God or for a special purpose, which means it can then be used only for that purpose.

[104] 20:6 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[105] 21:8 make . pure Or, "make atonement." The Hebrew word means "to cover or erase a person's sins."

[106] 21:16 firstborn The first child born into a family. The first son was very important in ancient times and became the head of the family at the father's death. It can also mean a person of special importance.

[107] 22:5 A woman . men's clothes Or, "A woman must not wear a man's weapons."

[108] 22:8 wall around your roof In ancient Israel, houses had flat roofs that were used like an extra room. This law made the roof a safer place.

[109] 22:9 they become useless Literally, "they become holy." This means these things belonged only to God, so they couldn't be used by the people.

[110] 22:12 tassels These pieces of string were made from different materials, so they became holy. This helped the people remember God and his commands.

[111] 22:14 virgin A woman, especially a young woman, who is not married and has never had sexual relations.

[112] 22:15 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[113] 22:17 cloth The bloodstained bed cover that the bride kept from her wedding night to prove she was a virgin when she married.

[114] 22:19 40 ounces of silver This is probably twice the amount of money that a man usually paid the father of the bride to seal the marriage agreement. See Deut. 22:29.

[115] 22:23 virgin A woman, especially a young woman, who is not married and has never had sexual relations.

[116] 22:29 20 ounces of silver This money became the dowry, the money a man paid to a woman's father to seal the marriage agreement. Often the father saved this money to take care of the woman if something happened to her husband.

[117] 23:9 unclean Or "unacceptable." Not pure or not fit to be eaten or used in worshiping God. See Lev. 11-15 for the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean things.

[118] 23:24 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[119] 23:25 sickle A tool with a curved blade for harvesting grain and other crops.

[120] 24:6 security Anything someone gives to show that they will pay their loan. If the loan is not repaid, the lender can keep that thing. Also in verses 10, 17.

[121] 24:8 skin disease Traditionally translated "leprosy," the Hebrew word means any of several diseases that cause rashes or sores on the skin.

[122] 24:9 Miriam See Num. 12:1-15.

[123] 26:3 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[124] 26:4 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[125] 26:5 Aramean A person from ancient Syria. Here, this might be Abraham, Isaac, or probably Jacob (Israel).

[126] 26:9 land filled . good things Literally, "land flowing with milk and honey." Also in verse 15.

[127] 26:11 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[128] 26:14 I have . sad People ate this food to be happy about the many things God gave them, so it could not be from food used during a time of sadness.

[129] 26:14 I was . food This would mean other people could not eat this food during the celebration to honor the Lord.

[130] 27:1 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[131] 27:3 land filled . good things Literally, "land flowing with milk and honey."

[132] 27:3 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[133] 27:5 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[134] 27:6 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[135] 27:7 fellowship offering An offering to God that was also eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and shared with others, especially during New Moon celebrations.

[136] 27:14 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[137] 27:15 Amen A Hebrew word meaning "That's right," "True," or "Yes." It is used to express strong agreement with what has been said.

[138] 27:17 landmark A stone or sign that showed where the limits of a person's property were.

[139] 28:11 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[140] 28:22 disease This might be mildew, a disease that turns the heads of grain yellow and stops them from growing seeds.

[141] 28:30 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[142] 28:36 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[143] 28:38 locusts Insects like grasshoppers that could destroy a large crop very quickly. See Ex. 10. The law of Moses said that locusts could be eaten. See Lev. 11:21-22.

[144] 28:39 vineyard A garden or farm where grapes are grown.

[145] 28:48 He . until he destroys you Literally, "He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he destroys you."

[146] 28:64 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[147] 29:1 Mount Horeb Another name for Mount Sinai.

[148] 29:10 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[149] 29:13 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[150] 29:17 idol A statue of a false god that people worship. It can also mean anything that is more important to a person than God.

[151] 30:5 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[152] 30:6 make you . obey him Literally, "circumcise the hearts of you and your seed."

[153] 30:15 success and disaster Or, "good and evil."

[154] 30:20 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[155] 31:7 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[156] 31:9 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[157] 31:9 elders (Old Testament) Older men who were city leaders and helped make decisions for the people.

[158] 31:10 Year of Freedom That is, the year for canceling debts.

[159] 31:10 Festival of Shelters A special week each year when the Israelites, and later the Jews, lived in tents to remember that their people wandered in the desert for 40 years during the time of Moses.

[160] 31:14 Meeting Tent See "Holy Tent."

[161] 31:16 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[162] 31:20 land filled . good things Literally, "land flowing with milk and honey."

[163] 31:25 Levite Any of the men from the tribe of Levi, who helped the Israelite priests in the Holy Tent (Tabernacle) and Temple. In later periods some Levites worked for the civil government.

[164] 31:25 Box of the Agreement Or, traditionally, "Ark of the Covenant." The special box kept in the Most Holy Place of the Israelite Holy Tent and, later, the Jerusalem Temple. It contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, which were evidence or "proof " of the agreement between God and his people. In some passages it is literally, "Box of the Testimony." See Ex. 25:10-22; 1 Kings 8:1-9.

[165] 32:3 Praise God Or, "Give honor to God" or "Speak of the greatness of God."

[166] 32:4 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[167] 32:8 angels The ancient Greek version and some Hebrew copies at Qumran have "sons of El (God)." The traditional Hebrew text has "sons (people) of Israel."

[168] 32:15 Jeshurun Another name for Israel. It means "good" or "honest."

[169] 32:15 Rock A name for God that means he is a place where people can find safety, like a high mountain or the strong wall of a fortress.

[170] 32:17 ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's parents, grandparents, and all the other people that person is descended from. In the New Testament it usually refers to people who lived during Old Testament times.

[171] 32:18 Rock A name for God. It shows that he is like a fortress or a strong place of safety. Also in verses 30, 31.

[172] 32:21 foolish This is a wordplay. The Hebrew word meaning "foolish" is like the word meaning "worthless."

[173] 32:22 grave Or "Sheol," the home of the dead. This word is often used as a metaphor for death.

[174] 32:32 Sodom A city that God destroyed, together with the city of Gomorrah, because the people living there were so evil. See Gen. 19.

[175] 32:32 Gomorrah A city that God destroyed, together with the city of Sodom, because the people living there were so evil. See Gen. 19.

[176] 32:43 make . pure Or, "make atonement." The Hebrew word means "to cover or erase a person's sins."

[177] 32:51 holy Here, this means "unique" (not like any other), "special," or "highly respected."

[178] 33:2 Mount Paran This is probably an important mountain west of the Gulf of Aqaba and north of Mount Sinai.

[179] 33:2 holy one Here, this probably means an angel.

[180] 33:2 He came . side Or, "He came from 10,000 holy angels where his troops were by his right side."

[181] 33:5 Jeshurun Another name for the people of Israel. It means "good" or "honest."

[182] 33:8 Urim The Urim and Thummim were probably small stone, metal, or wooden pieces that the high priest kept in the judgment pouch he wore. They were used, perhaps like dice, to get answers from God. See Ex. 28:30.

[183] 33:8 Thummim See "Urim."

[184] 33:8 Massah . Meribah See Num. 20:1-13 for the story.

[185] 33:10 Jacob Another name for Israel.

[186] 33:10 incense Special dried tree sap that was burned to make a sweet-smelling smoke and offered as a gift to God.

[187] 33:10 burnt offering A gift to God. Usually these were animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar.

[188] 33:10 altar A raised area, pile of stones, or table where sacrifices were offered as gifts to God. An important altar was the one in front of the Temple in Jerusalem. See also "golden altar."

[189] 33:12 And the Lord will live in his land Literally, "And he will dwell between his shoulders." This probably means the Lord's Temple will be in Jerusalem, at the border between Benjamin and Judah's land.

[190] 33:24 Asher This name means "blessed" or "happy."

[191] 33:26 Jeshurun Another name for Israel. It means "good" or "honest."

[192] 33:29 and you . backs Or, "You will trample their holy places."

[193] 34:3 Negev The desert area in the southern part of Judah.

[194] 34:10 prophet A person who speaks a message from God. Many of the books in the Old Testament are messages spoken or written by "the prophets," who were some of those God chose to speak for him. God often used dreams or visions to tell or show his prophets what they should say.
