INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER 1  ANCESTRY OF THE MIDDLE EAST...................... 2

CHAPTER 2  BEFORE THE DIASPORA.......................................... 6

CHAPTER 3  AFTER THE DIASPORA........................................... 10

CHAPTER 4  REBUILDING OF ISRAEL....................................... 12

CHAPTER 5  MIDDLE EAST WARS................................................ 18

CHAPTER 6  MIDDLE EAST PEACE............................................. 31

CHAPTER 7  SITUATIONAL DEVELOPMENT........................... 36

CONCLUSION........................................................................................... 45

Map of middle east......................................................................... 47







©    Samuel Lamb

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Scripture references: Gen 17:19-21, 16:1-3, 11-12, Deu 30:5-10.


       The center of the world is the Middle East, especially Israel. Despite her small size, Israel has been chosen by God to become a great nation and the birthplace of Jesus. Geographically, Israel is in the center of the world. Before the discovery of America, there were three major continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa aside from Australia and the Arctics. Israel is at the center of these three main continents. Now all eyes are on Middle East. Thus, geographically, spiritually, and politically, Israel is the center of the world.

       There are two major powers in Middle East - Israel and Arabs. Both groups are fighting for Palestine and are opposing each other. To find out the ownership of this land, we need to look at her history corroborated by the Scripture. Believe it or not, the future political development of Palestine has long been revealed in the biblical prophecy.

       Middle East, particularly Israel is also the battle ground of WW III and Jerusalem is sought after by many. From the Middle East political development, we know that the return of our Lord is imminent. Because Middle East is at the center of the world, we ought to pay special attention to the Middle East problem. Some people may feel that we should emphasize Christian living rather than prophecy. Let us not overemphasize Christian living and ignore prophecy. Scripture is multifaced and we must also preach all aspects of the Bible, especially the end times. We should not ignore the prophecy regarding Christ's return.



       Both groups in the Middle East share the same ancestor, Abraham. To understand the true picture, let us look at their origin.

I.   Looking at the East from Europe

       Why is she called "Middle East"? Middle East is the East. Asia is east of Europe and includes the Far East, Middle East, and Near East.

       Far East: Japan and China are the countries in Asia most far from Europe and are therefore called Far East.

       Middle East: Central Asia was called Middle East previously, eg. Afghanistan, Iran, etc.

       Near East: West Asia is closest to Europe, thus the east coast of Mediterranean Sea is called Near East by the Europeans, eg. Israel and the Arab countries.

       Far East, Middle East, and Near East were the original geographical names. Later, Middle East and Near East were collectively called "Mid-Near East", now referred to as Middle East. Looking from Asia, this area is in the west and is called West Asia; but looking from Europe, it is in the east and called Middle East. Now when we understand that Middle East refers mainly to Israel and the Arab countries, let us look into their ancestry.

II.   Ancestry of Israel

       Yisrael is translated to Israel in English. The territory of Israel formerly known as Canaan was the land of Canaanites. There were no Israelites or Arabs. Both Israelites and Arabs had the same ancestor, Abram (Gen 25:9), later renamed Abraham (Gen 17:5).

Abram's father, Terah lived in Ur of the Chaldeans. Kaldi, Kaldai was in southern Babylon, the original Shinar (Gen 11:2). Ur, now Mugheir was at the south end of Euphrates River. God called Abram, but Abram's father, Tarah took him and "set out from Ur of the Chaldeans.…" (Gen 11:31). They came to Haran first, but Terah died in Haran (Gen 11:32).

In Haran, God said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you." (Gen 12:1). The land God referred to was Canaan, Abram then left Haran, "and they arrived there"(Gen 12:5). This is today's Israel. Because they waded from Ur of the Chaldeans, they are referred to as Hebrews. "Hebrew" means wading to the other side.

God promised that Abram will become a great nation: "I will make you into a great nation..." (Gen 12:2). Later, God changed his name to Abraham (Gen 17:5), and confirmed the covenant Gen 17:1-8). Abraham begot Isaac. Isaac begot Jacob. Later, God changed Jacob's name to Israel (Gen 32:28) and confirmed with him the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 35:9-12). Abraham is the ancestor of Israel; Jacob's new name became the name of the nation of Israel. The Hebrews were later called Israelites. They are God's chosen people, chosen by God.

III.  Ancestry of Arabs

       Abraham begot Isaac (Gen 21:3) through his wife, Sarai. Isaac inherited Abraham's estate and God's promised blessing.

1. Ishmael

Before Abraham begot Isaac, he begot Ishmael through Sarai's Egyptian maidservant, Hagar (Gen 16:1-15). Ishmael was the ancestor of Arabs (Gen 16:1-3, 11-12). Ishmael had twelve sons who became the tribes of Arabs (Gen 17:20, 25:13-16). Ishmael was born through man's plan and belonged to the flesh (Gen 16:1-2), After Isaac was born, he was teased by Hagar(Gen 21:9).

Islam means "committed to God" and Muslim means "man who obeys the Islamic law". Islamic (Muslim) countries including Arabs and Persians acknowledge Ishmael to be their ancestor. But Canaan did not belong to them because their ancestor waded from Ur of the Chaldeans. Ishmael and Isaac could not live together under one roof (Gen 21:8-10). It is no wonder that the Arabs and Israelites cannot tolerate one another today.

2. Esau was also the ancestor of Arabs (Gen 25:22-26)

Abraham was the ancestor, he begot Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac begot Esau and Jacob. Jacob's offsprings are the Israelites; Esau's offsprings the Arabs. Esau "was also called Edom" (Gen 25:30), he married a Hittite woman (Gen 26:34). Edom was southeast of the Dead Sea with an area of 17000 km2. Esau's offspring, Edom (Oba 18) was a sinful nation, especially violent to Israel (Jol 3:19). In addition, Syria is an offspring of Esau. In summary, Edomites were also Arabs.

From the 19th century, archeologists discovered records of Edom in Egypt and Assyria, again confirming the reliability of Scripture. Israel's ancestor, Jacob and Arab's ancestor, Esau were the grandchildren of Abraham. They fought at home and up to the present time, Israelites and Arabs continue to oppose each other. Edom's offspring was east and north of Israel. God never appeared to Esau and did not promise Canaan to his offspring. They lived in the hill country of Seir: "...Esau the father of the Edomites in the hill country of Seir." (Gen 36:9, see the whole chapter for detail).

3. Lot was also the ancestor of Arabs

Ammon and Moab southeast of Israel were also Arabs. Abraham's nephew, Lot was drunk and begot two sons through his two daughters. They became the ancestors of Moabites and Ammonites (Gen 19:30-38). They were born of incest. Moab and Ammon were east of Jordan River, today's Jordan. God never promised them Canaan.

4. Palestine

Israel is also called Palestine. Now there is a Palestinian country inside the country of Israel. Greek "Palaistina" originated from Hebrew "Pelescheth". It was a district called Philistines in the Old Testament (Gen 10:14), later called Palestine. The Aegeans invaded Egypt in 1900 BC and returned from Caphtor to Palestine in defeat in 1200 BC (Deu 2:23. Jer 47:4). They occupied the coastal plains from Joppa to Gaza including five cities: Gaza, Ashkelon, Azotus. They traded with Canaanites. Later, the area was called Palestine, in Arabic "Philistine".

The ancestor of Arabs was Abraham. Abraham waded from Ur of the Chaldeans to Canaan. Therefore, Canaanites were not Arabs.





       Today, both Israelites and Arabs claim the land of Israel. Let us look into the history from the formation of the Israel as a nation to the diaspora to determine the ownership of Canaan.

I.  Israelites

       This was God's promise to Abraham (Gen 12:1-7).

       The period from Abraham's entrance to Canaan to the diaspora (2091 BC to 70 AD) was 2161 years. Excluding the 430 years in Egypt and the 70 years of exile to Babylon (2 Chr 36:21), the Israelites actually occupied the land for 1661 years.

1. Formation of the nation

God called Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldeans to build a nation in Canaan (Gen 12:1-7). Because of the severe famine, they went down to Egypt (Gen 12:10). Later, they returned from Egypt (Gen 13:1) and God appeared to him again to affirm the covenant (Gen 14-15). God again affirmed the covenant to Isaac (Gen 26:2-4) but did not transfer the covenant to Ishmael. Finally, God affirmed the covenant to Jacob (Gen 28:13-15). Jacob had twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel (Gen 35:22-26) according to Jacob's blessings to his sons (Gen 49:28).

2. Israelites went to Egypt

Because of the famine in Canaan, Jacob went with his sons to Egypt at the age of 130 years (Gen 47:9). The Israelites stayed in Egypt for 430 years and were eventually led out of Egypt by Moses (Exo 12:41).

3. Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years (Num 14:32-34) and later, led by Joshua, crossed River Jordan to enter Canaan (Jos 1:1-4).

4. Israelites entered Canaan

Before the formation of the nation of Israel, this was the land of the Canaanites. They were semi-nomads who moved in from the Arab Peninsula in 3000 BC. However, they were not Arabs. They settled west of Jordan river including the Gaza district. This area later belonged to Israel. The Canaanites were offsprings of Ham (Gen 10:1-20), ie. The offspring of Ham's fourth son, Canaan (Gen 10:6-14). After the Israelites entered Canaan, their priority was to conquer the Canaanites because God had commanded them to wipe out Canaanites (Exo 23:23-24). At that time, there were seven tribes in Canaan: "Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites and Jebusites." (Jos 3:10-11). The Canaanites worshipped snake, sun, and idols. The Philistines also worshipped the serpent (Isa 14:29-31). They never worshipped Jehovah and were always enemies of Israelites.

Joshua led the Israelites to conquer Canaan (Jos 1:1-3). The first city to conquer was Jericho after they entered Canaan (Jos 6). However, Joshua failed to wipe out the Canaanites (Jos 13:1-2). Because the Israelites sinned, God left behind several tribes of Canaanites (Jdg 2:8-23, 3:1-3, note 2:8,12,14,21,23).

5. Period of judges

The judges ruled for 300 years (Jdg 11:26). The period of 450 years from Joshua's entrance to Canaan until Samuel is known as the period of judges (Act 13:20).

6. Period of kings

There were three kings in the 120-year period of united kingdom. Saul reigned for 40 years (Act 13:21), David 40.5 years (2 Sam 5:4-5), Solomon 40 years (1 Kin 11:42).

Divided kingdom (930-586 BC): After Solomon's death, Israel was divided into north and south kingdoms.

(1) North kingdom of Israel: capital - Samaria, the first king Jeroboam (1 Kin 12:20), last king Hoshea (2 Kin 17:1-6). Assyria conquered Samaria in 722 BC and Israel was ruled as a province by an Assyrian governor. Then, the entire north was wiped out and many people exiled to Assyria (2 Kin 15:29, 17:6,23, 18:11). They never returned from exile (1 Chr 5:26). The northern kingdom existed only 207 years (930-722 BC). There were a total of 19 kings, none of them was good.

(2) South kingdom of Judah: capital Jerusalem, (930-586 BC), total 344 years, 137 years longer than Israel. There were 19 kings, eight of whom were good. Jerusalem fell in July, 586 BC (2 Kin 25:1-21, 2 Chr 36:19-20). King of Babylon destroyed the temple and the kingdom of Judah ended.

7. Between exile and return

People of Judah were exiled to Babylon (606 BC) (2 Kin 25:22-30, 2 Chr 36:2-23, Jer 40-44). They were exiled for 70 years (606 - 536 = 70) (2 Chr 36:21). Afterwards, Judah was ruled by Persia for 205 years (538-333 BC)

8. After the return

This was at the end of Old Testament. For 400 years after Nehemiah, the Old Testament was silent. Then Judah was occupied by Greece and Rome until the birth of Jesus:

(1) Greek rule (333-142 BC)

(2) Hasmonean kingdom (Maccabeans) (142-63 BC)

(3) Roman rule (63 BC-313 AD)

9. Diaspora

Roman general, Titus conquered Jerusalem in 70 AD and killed approximately one million Jews. They burned Jerusalem and the Israelites scattered throughout the whole world until 135 AD. They settled mainly in Britain, France, Italy and Germany, later Russia, Eastern Europe and North America.

II.   Arabs

       After studying the process of the formation of nation to diaspora, we know for certain that the land belongs to Israel. But let us determine if this land belongs to the Arabs by studying the same period. In the "Palestinian Meeting" held by the United Nation in 1945 in San Francisco, Saudi Arabia's special envoy Cheik Hafiz Wabba declared publicly: "We are offsprings of Abraham and blood children of Ishmael. He was Abraham's first-born and should inherit Abraham's estate, this land.". No doubt, Ishmael was older than Isaac but Ishmael was born of the second wife, a maidservant and God did not promise him this land. Isaac was the legitimate offspring and received the direct promise from God to inherit Canaan, the land of flowing milk and honey. After the nation of Israel was formed, the arab countries were along the borders and were conquered one after another by Israel.

       Philistine at the west (later Palestine): they occupied the west coast. They were finally conquered by David (2 Sam 8:1, 21:15-22, 1 Chr 18:1).

       Aram at the north (Syria): David defeated them (2 Sam 8:5-6,13).

       Moab at the east surrendered to David (2 Sam 8:2, 1 Chr 18:2).

       Ammon at the east submitted to David also (2 Sam 10:10,14, 12:26-31). After the Jews returned from Babylon, the Moabites and Ammonites were never admitted to Jehovah's assembly (Neh 13:1, Isa 15:1, Jer 49:2, Eze 25:8-11).

       Edom at the east was defeated by David (1 Chr 18:12-13).

From the above history of Israel, this land does not belong to the Arabs.



       During the Israeli occupation, the land did not belong to Arabs. Now let us look at the history of occupation in the period of more than one thousand years between the diaspora and the return.

I.    Roman Empire

       The diaspora began in 70 AD and the Israelites were completely scattered throughout the world by 135 AD. The land was governed by Roman Empire until 331 AD.

II. Byzantine Empire

       After Constantine, the land was occupied by Byzantine Empire (330-636 AD). They built dome- and cross-shaped structures.

III.  Islamic Army

       The Islamic army controlled the land from 633 to 1099 AD, first the Arabs until 1077 AD, then the Seljuks, finally the Fatimids.

IV.  Crusaders

       The Crusaders ruled for 200 years from 1099 to 1291 AD. They were overturned by Saladin, the Kurd (1187-1193 AD), and regained control from 1193 to 1291 AD.

V.   Marruck

       Marruck ruled from 1292 to 1516 AD.

VI. Turks

       The Turks governed for 400 years (1517-1917) and Israel became part of the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish emperor, Ottoman occupied the land (Eze 16). Egypt gained control in 1832 but lost to Turks in 1841.

VII. Great Britain

       Britain took over Jerusalem which was occupied by the Turks. The Turkish soldiers said: "The British have new weapons and tanks, but we can close the city gates to block them.". The east gate of Jerusalem is on a hill with tombs on the slope in front of the gate. The early British tanks were unable to climb hills. The Turkish army said: "If we close all the gates except the east gate for our own use, the tanks can not enter.". But the prophet Ezekiel prophesied that the gate will remain closed until the coming of Messiah (Christ) (Eze 43-44). Before the Turks opened the east gate, the new British fighters dropped fliers from the air to order the Turks to surrender immediately. The fliers had the signature of General Allenby on them. The Turkish army mistook Allenby to be Allah bey (son of God) and surrendered. On December 9, 1917 (Sept. 24 on Jewish calendar), Turks retreated from Jerusalem (Hag 2:10-20). The British general Edward Allenby victoriously occupied Jerusalem on Dec. 11.





       Israel had no hope of rebuilding. It was easier for the rebuilding of India without the diaspora. But the biblical prophecy must be fulfilled (Eze. 3:24). Israel's fall was surprising, so was her rebuilding. There is only one country in the entire world which can preserve the same nation, religion, culture, and language for 3300 years. Israel was governed by Britain for 30 years from 1918 to 1948. The area west of Jordan river is known as Palestinian zone and east of Jordan river as Kingdom of Jordan.

I.    Zionism Movement

       Before the "rebuilding", people must "return". Theodore Herzel, an Austrian journalist and publisher was a Jewish leader. He promoted the return and rebuilding in his book "The nation of the Jews" in 1896. This book shook the entire world. He advocated another exodus with Mount Zion their destination, hence called "Zionism". He began the "Zionism Movement" in Switzerland in 1897 and introduced the concept of return and rebuilding. The year 1997 is the 100th anniversary of the Zionism Movement. The first Zionism Movement Convention held in Basel, Switzerland on 8/29/1898 was attended by 197 delegates. Dr. Lippe led the prayer and many wept. Herzel spoke and became the modern Moses. This movement was vehemently opposed by Turkey. There was a Jew named Chaim Weizmann who later became the first president of Israel. He was born on 10/27/1874. His parents died in the 1880 massacre in USSR. He was a Jewish refugee and had strong desire for the rebuilding. He was an active participant and attended the Second World Zionism Convention in 1898 at the age of 24 years. In 1901, he obtained a chemistry doctorate in Germany and joined the Zionism Movement in the same year. He believed that Jews would only have hope by returning to the land. But his idea was opposed by king of Britain. In 1906, he was appointed chemistry professor at the University of Manchester in England. There, he met Ernest Rutherford, an atomic physics professor who consulted him regarding the secrets inside the atom. Weizmann suggested the idea of radiation research which Rutherford adopted. In 1911, Rutherford discovered three sources of radiation inside an atom: α,β, and γ. He declared to the world: "The atomic nucleus consisting of neutrons and protons is at the center of an atom enveloped by electrons like a small universe." He won the Nobel prize and was knighted by the British crown. Thus, Weizmann gained entrance into the upper class through him and paved the way for Israel's rebuilding. Through Rutherford, Weizmann befriended Arthur Balfour, British prime minister from 1902 to 1905. He was a navy officer at the beginning of WW1 and ambassador in 1917. He was a close friend of Rutherford. In March, 1915, Britain and France lost the war to Germany. 50,000 people died. Balfour appointed Weizmann as the technical expert for the Navy Preparatory Research Institute in 1915. In the same year, Weizmann invented a smokeless bomb. In 1916, the British and French attacked Germans again and killed one million Germans and burned more than 100 ships. Balfour recommended Weizmann to British king who wanted to award him. Weizmann said: " I have no personal desire but that my people can return home".

II. The Balfour Declaration

       In WW1, Britain imported nitrogen from Chile to manufacture weapons. Later, she was unable to get the supplies because Germany controlled the Atlantic Ocean. Weizmann proposed to obtain nitrogen from the air and solved the problem. Because the Jews made contributions to Britain, they were allowed to return to Israel. The Balfour Declaration was made on 11/2/1917 to allow Jews to return and purchase land under the control and protection of Britain. This was supported by US president, Wilson. Britain appointed a Jew, Herbert Samuel as the first Palestinian governor. Weizmann immediately led a Zionism delegation to Israel. In 1917, the Israel population was 85,000. Under British protection, Christians were also able to live peacefully. The Hebrew University headed by Weizmann was started in Jerusalem. Weizmann was the chairman of the World Zionism Convention held in London in 1920. The decade of 1920-1930 was known as the Age of Weizmann. The League of the Nations formally accorded the land to Britain to mandate on 7/24/1922. From 1918 to 1948, Britain ruled the land Israel including Israel and Gaza on the west coast.

III.  The UN's Mandate

       In the beginning of 1947, Britain still did not allow Jewish immigration to Israel. Later, Britain passed over the problem to the UN which formed a "Palestinian Issue Committee". UN passed the "Palestine Partition Plan" no.181 on 11/29/1947 to allow the Jews to stay. This was opposed by the Arab countries. UN decided to grant Israel independence on 10/1/1948. However, of the 27,816 km2 area in Palestine, only 15,200 km2 was given to Israel. Angered by the UN decision, Britain withdrew in May instead of October to let Israel self-destruct. Thank God, the nation of Israel was rebuilt at last on May 14!

IV. Rebuilding of Israel: 5/14/1948

1. 5/13/1948 Jerusalem made the Jewish Convention declaration and prepared to declare the formation of Independent Jewish Nation on May 16. Without waiting to May 16, Israel became independent at last at 14:01 on 5/14/1948 (16:00 Beijing time). The Jewish leaders congregated in the Tel-Aviv museum and officially declared the formation of nation of Israel.

2. They intended to use the name Jew because most of the then returnees were Jews. But because they considered the original name was Israel, they decided to use the same name, Israel. In fact, the Bible prophesied long ago that the nation, Israel would be rebuilt: "...I will bring you back to the land of Israel" (Eze 37:11-12). In the following verses 15 to 23, Judah will be reunited with Israel. After mentioning the reunion from verse 15 to 20, Israel was used as the name of the nation in the following verses.

3. Dr. Chaim Weizmann as president

In 1901, he joined the Zionism Movement. During WW1, he made contributions to Britain and obtained the Balfour Declaration. In 1920, he became a good friend of Einstein. As a result, through many channels, he invented the atomic bomb for USA. This paved the road for the rebuilding of Israel. Many thought that USA helped Israel to be rebuilt when in fact Israel helped USA to invent the atomic bomb. On the day of the rebuilding of Israel, President Weizmann read aloud Isa 43:5-10.

4. David Ben Gurion as prime minister

He read the Declaration of independence and immediately raised the Star of David flag.

5. Flag

rectangular, white background, a light blue wide strip on top and bottom. The flag colors were white and blue which were the colors of the Jewish prayer shawl. In the center of the white portion is a six-ray star called the Star of David, also called David's shield. This was produced according to the flag of the 1891 Jewish Rebuilding Movement. This fulfilled the biblical prophecy: "Raise a banner on a bare hilltop, shout to them; beckon to them to enter the gates of the nobles." (Isa 13:2).

6. The national emblem: The central pattern is a 7-pronged lampstand. The six stems represent the six days of creation, the center stem the Sabbath. On each side of the lampstand are painted a white olive branch to represent the different nationalities.

7. The former USSR was the first to recognize Israel.

Then many of Israel's generals belonged to the left-winged united workers' party. USSR hoped that they would gain power and make Israel a satellite country of USSR. But Ben Gurion was belonged to the western right wing and struggled with the left wing. When the left wing was wiped out in 1/1949, USSR and Israel became enemies. US President Truman recognized Israel 11 minutes after Israel's rebuilding, followed by Britain and France. On 5/11/1949, Israel became the 59th member of UN. She established diplomatic relationship with China in 1992.

8. Population

 Israel had a population of 650-710,000 which increased to 5.6 million at the end of 1996; there are 1.2 million Arabs.

9. Area

At the time of rebuilding, the area of the entire Palestine was 27,816 km2. Israel occupied 15,000 km2, mostly coastal fertile land; the Arabs occupied 12,000 km2 of poor land in divided plots.

10. Israel will not be destroyed again

This is the biblical prophecy: "Judah will be inhabited forever and Jerusalem through all generations." (Jol 3:20). " '...I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,' says the Lord your God." (Amo 9:11-15, Jer 31:36) The Arab countries think that Israel should not be allowed to be rebuilt and call them "Jewish Rebuilding Theory". Strange! Any country can be rebuilt, but not Israel?!  All of the countries in the world were formed after conquering tribal territories. But after the formation of the nation, no others can invade them and they also cannot invade other countries. Let us not mistake the "tribal land" God gave Israel as invaded territory. To rebuild, Israel must claim back her own land. But Arab countries claim that Israel invaded their land while Israel claim it to be theirs. Therefore, wherever Israel fought, she said: "This is ours". If Israel is destroyed again after the rebuilding, biblical prophecy would not be true. However whatever God says must be done.




       Ever since the rebuilding of Israel, the Arab countries have been trying to conquer Israel. They have started five Middle East Wars. Being geographically surrounded, it should be easy to conquer Israel. However, Israel gradually regained lost territory in the five wars and is getting stronger. She regained 21,501 km2, 81.6% of the entire area of Israel. As a result, 1.5-2.5 million Palestinians fled to other countries as refugees. In actual fact, the Palestinians occupied Israel's land after the diaspora rather than Israel occupied their land after her rebuilding. From 1948 to 1982, Arab countries started five wars.

I.   Five Middle East Wars

1. 5/15/1948-1/7/1949 (8 months)

All of the wars were meant to annihilate Israel. The first war was the most obvious, being started the day after her rebuilding. Three hours after Israel's rebuilding, the surrounding Arab countries united in wars on 5/15.

(1) Six united Arab countries and two teams attacked Israel:

  Arab Liberation Army 5,500, Salvation Army 5,000, Lebanon 2,000, Syria 5,000, Outer Jordan 7,500, Egypt 5,000, Iraq 10,000, Saudi Arabia and Yemen units, totalled 100,000 soldiers, yet Israel only had 30,000 people.   A few hours after the rebuilding, King of Jordan, Abdullah Hussein and the united Arab army led the "Outer Jordanian Army" to attack Israel from the east and took over Mount Olive and Mount Zion, a large piece of land west of Jordan river in order to include it in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (On 7/20/1951, as soon as King Abdullah set foot in the mosque, he was shot dead.) On the third day, Egypt attacked Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem from the south in two teams. Jordan invaded the old city of Jerusalem and the area west of the river. Syria conquered the strategic Nazareth south of the sea of Galilee. Lebanon took over the plains west of Nazareth. Iraq invaded the hill area north of Jerusalem. Although these attacks started in full force, changes were evident in a few days. On 5/19, Israel defeated Syria at the sea of Galilee. On 5/29, both sides ignored the cease-fire order from UN.

(2) The inner conflicts of Arab Union (Arabs were always suspicious of each other):

  Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon attacked from the south and north, Iraq and Jordan came in to Haifa and Jerusalem after crossing the river. The Arab Army had an advantage but there were inner conflicts: King of Outer Jordan wanted to be the Commander-in-Chief, but Syria and Egypt did not submit to him. Even though had worked out a joint plan, they each went their own ways on entering the Holy Land. One month later, Arab Union was held in check.

(3) Israel counter-attacked in July and won:

  On July 9-18, Israel counter-attacked, known as the "Ten-Day Attack". The most fierce fighting was in the Nahrel-Mugatta riverbanks southwest of sea of Galilee (Kishon in Psa 83:9). Israel made a battle plan and attacked at night to take back Nazareth and entered the Galilee district. From 7/18 to 10/15, 600,000 Jews returned from Europe. Military and material support was added daily. On 10/15, Israel reversed her disadvantage and won. Israel was able to take foothold in the valleys. The enemy's  corpses were everywhere. There were 1 million refugees. After Israel's victory, they came in two groups to the Galilee hills in the north, and Tel Aviv - Negev desert defense line in the south. On 11/16, UN again ordered cease-fire. After the cease-fire, the wealthy Jews of the world bought firearms, especially equipment for the air force.

(4) On 7/1/1949, Israel reclaimed a large plot of land (not the two hills in Jerusalem) and expanded her territory from 14,000 km2 to 21000 km2. God scolded Israel's enemies: "...made my land their own possession...will also suffer scorn." (Eze 36:5-7) At the time of rebuilding, Israel was not united and did not have weaponry (Jer 31:4), but after the war, the 30,000 soldiers with light weaponry increased to an army of 100,000 with mechanical equipments. Eventually, they won in Gaza and fulfilled Isa 43:1-3. From 4/1955, USSR declared: "Middle East is a close neighbor and USSR cannot ignore the events in Middle East". In September, USSR provided large quantity of weaponry to Egypt.

2. 10/29/1956-11/6/1956 (8 days) the Suez Canal War, Jordan, Egypt, Syria versus Israel

(1) Cause:

On 7/23/1956, Gamal Abdel Nasser overturned the former government to become prime minister. On 6/23, USSR loaned money to Egypt to build the Aswan Dam and helped them to build up the defense army. USSR and Egypt established the "Moscow-Cairo Spoke-center". Egypt took over the control of Suez Canal, thus cut down the profits of Britain and France. A united Egypt-Syria commander center was established vowing to sweep away the shame of the first Middle East war.

(2) War breaking out:

In the afternoon of 10/29/1956, Israel descended from the sky in Sinai to fight Egypt. On 11/30, Britain and France bombed the air base and burned 260 Egyptian planes. Egypt withdrew from Sinai. Israel reclaimed Gaza strip and parts of Sinai. 1,600 Egyptians died, 5,000 injured, 6,200 captured or disappeared.

(3) Israel beat the many with few (Deu 32:30):

Israel swept the Sinai Peninsula to the Canal in 100+ hours. This was stopped by USSR's negotiation, otherwise even Cairo, the capital of Egypt would have been in war. Later, Egypt signed a 15-year treaty with USSR.

3. Six-Day War, 6/5/1967 - 6/10/1967

Egypt and the neighboring Arab countries were intent on destroying Israel but the plan was leaked so that Israel was prepared.

(1) Before the war:

  Egypt wanted to clear her shame and formed the Republic of United Arab with Syria in 2/1958 to join forces of the south and north. In the same year, Iraq was told to withdraw from the Bagdad Treaty controlled by USA. In 1964, Egypt supported the foundation of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and in 1969, formed an accord with USSR. In 3/1967, USSR pushed Egypt to order the UN troops out of Sinai Peninsula. In the air battle at the Israel border on 4/7/1967, six Syrian fighter planes which were made in USSR were shot down. At that time, the new Syrian president, Hafex Assed was strongly opposed to Israel. USSR made up false information: "Israel plans to attack Syria and Egypt". Thus Egypt sent vice president Sadat to USSR. On 4/29, USSR declared: "We do not request or hope for military conflicts in the Middle East." Sadat was distressed! He left USSR for North Korea on 5/4. When he returned to Moscow on 5/13, USSR again provided false information. On 5/14, Sadat brought the false information home to Egypt and the situation was very tense. On 5/15, Egypt decided to reinforce troops in Sinai and requested the withdrawal of UN troops, thus stepping on the road to war. On 5/22, Nasser declared the closing of Strait of Tiran and cut off Israel's passage to Red Sea and Suez Canal. Egypt opened fire on Israel and Israel decided to fight back on 5/23. Syria and Egypt joined forces with Jordan on 5/30.

(2) The war officially broke out:

a. At 9 am on 6/5 (the first day), Israel bombed 25 peripheral airports of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. The largest war was the secret attack of Israel's air forces on 10 Egyptian airports. Israel's first Boeing 40 took off followed a few minutes; later by the second jet. Israel was aware of the weakness of Egypt's Soviet-made radar - scanning blind spot. Egyptian radar troops were unable to detect and Israel's jets were able to fly low over Egypt's 10 airports from Mediterranean Sea. At that time, the Egyptian pilots had just awakened and the airport controller had not yet reported for work. Israel was able to bomb 300-400 Egyptian planes in three hours. 1/3 of the pilots died. In the same afternoon, the British-trained Jordanian army was completely wiped out, 52 Syrian planes were damaged, and 30+ Arab radar stations were destroyed. Egypt had 580 Soviet-made military planes including 380 fighter planes; Syria had 172 and 136 respectively. Israel attacked the air force bases of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan suddenly and weakened their strength considerably in half a day.

b. On 6/7, Syria attacked north Galilee but was forced back by Israel. On the same day, Israel attacked Syrian border and occupied Golan Heights. In the afternoon, Israel destroyed Jordan airport and occupied the entire west bank of Jordan River, thus fulfilling Psa 85. At 10:15 in the evening, Israel reclaimed the old city of East Jerusalem. Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan worshipped at the wailing wall saying: "We have returned to the Holy of the Holiest in the Holy Land and will never leave this city again." He ordered the demolition of the small Jordanian houses in front of the wailing wall to make a large square. He also tore down the obstacles and the partition between the east and west parts of the city to make it into a united city.

c. On 6/9, Israel attacked east side of Suez Canal and took over the Sinai Peninsula in only 3 days (80% of Egyptian oil wells were in Sinai), closed Suez Canal and occupied Gaza district.

(3) Result:

  In 1967, Israel started to unify the land. In 6 days (130 hours), Egypt fell like landslide. A large quantity of Soviet-made weaponry and gunpowder was looted. Israel's sudden attacks defeated 13 countries in the south and north and reclaimed 4x the original land size. The casualty of Israel was 679 men, of the Arabic army 450,000. Israel used 100 million US dollars' worth of weapons whereas the Arabic army used 2 billion dollars. Thus, the prophecy of Mic 5:8-9 was fulfilled. God made the Gentiles suffer scorn. Egyptian president Nasser was an extraordinary person. He overturned the empire, got free from colonialism, was a leader of the Arabs and Africans. Yet he lost ground. After the Six-Day war, he called 2 conferences, one held at the capital of Sudan: adamantly refused to reconcile, recognize, or to negotiate with Israel; the other conference held in Moroccan capital, Rabat. However,because the Arabs lost 2 billion dollars, they no longer heeded him. He unified Egypt, then Africa, finally intending to unify Muslim countries. He intended to destroy Israel but lost.On 9/28/1970, he died from a heart attack. Egyptians now truly feared Israelites (Isa 19:16-17).

4. 10/6-24/1973 (18 days)

called the War of day of Atonement or Holy War. Syria and Egypt attacked Israel again. They called it the Yom Kippur war. Many predicted the end of Israel, yet Israel lost initially and won at the end.

(1) Before the war:

Nasser again wanted to clear his shame. He visited Moscow in 1/1970 and signed an agreement with USSR. In March, 20,000 of the Soviet army, navy, and air force arrived. The situation was tense. Forty Sam style missile projectors and 100 fighter planes came to the west bank of Suez Canal. Egyptians did not know how to operate the machinery and USSR sent people to Egypt to teach them. In September, USSR helped Syria to complete the construction of the Soviet missile base. Egypt and Syria asked for the Soviet Union's permission to declare war. Yet USSR maintained the nonfighting and nonreconciling situation in order to train political agents. USSR also wanted to control Syria and Iraq. She wanted to establish an army and missile base to isolate and surround USA's 5th and 6th teams of ships. USSR spent 10 billion US dollars for military expenses. Just when they were ready to declare war, Nasser died of a heart attack on 9/28/1970 before he had time to prepare a will. There was a coup in Egypt on 5/13/1971. Anwar Sadat became president. He was a Suni Muslim and was not an extremist. As soon as he took office, he wanted to clear out the left wing. He knew USSR's "nonfighting, nonreconciliatory" tactic was not sincere in her intention to help the Arab countries. On 6/1/1972, he made 7 queries to Moscow but was ignored by Breznerv. In July, he evicted 20,000 Soviets. On the 17th, USSR withdrew in hatred. Sadat and Syrian president Hafez Assed worked out a plan to attack Israel on the public holiday of the Day of Atonement (Oct. 6) from the south and north with Jordan from the east in order to wipe out Israel once for all. Egypt and Syria had 832 Soviet-made fighter planes, 48 bombers, 86 large military transporters, 118 M-6 and M-8 helicopters, totalling 1,084 planes. Israel had only 468 planes.

(2) Open-fire:

On Israel's Day of Atonement on 10/6, all the troops retreated to the back to pray. This was also the 4th day of Muslim's fast. 623 years ago, Mohammed conquered Mica and started the Islam religion. Syrian president Assed met with Egyptian president and decided to attack on this day. They calculated that the tide of Suez Canal was the lowest and slowest, therefore the easiest to build a bridge. This was a Saturday, Israel's Sabbath. God had said, if anyone should disturb the Sabbath, His anger would be upon him. The Soviet satellites observed that the Israelites were retreating. The first group of 300 Syrian tanks came across Golan Heights at 1:50 pm without any opposition. The Israel army was retreating and was not prepared because of the holiday. Syria crossed the front line of Golan Heights and went straight to the Benoit Yakov bridge over Jordan river in the Jewish district northeast of Jerusalem. Once this bridge was lost, Jerusalem would fall. Egypt crossed the Suez Canal by force on 10/6 and broke across Israel's defense line along the canal. In the morning of the 7th, Egyptian tanks attacked and took control of three important war paths of Jerusalem.

(3) Israel turned defeat into victory. Syrian tanks were heading for Jerusalem, but suddenly ran out of oil 8 km away from Jerusalem. Several hundred tanks waited along river Jordan for the oil supplier. It was dusk and Israel's "Lion Cub" plane flew low from the Jordan river and dropped gas bombs. In less than 30 minutes, 300 tanks were destroyed! Israel reclaimed even more territory. Israel turned around to fight Egypt at the "Big Bitter Lake". Next morning, the sun was particularly strong. Egyptian tanks were heading northeast from south in the direction of the sun. The focusing lens of the tanks was of no use. The tanks Soviet Union gave to Egypt were only suitable for cold climate and had no air-conditioning. Israel's tanks came from USA and were air-conditioned. They were heading south away from the sun. Although Israel had only 100 tanks, they were able to destroy all of the Egyptian tanks in 2 hours. Israel closed to Cairo and cut off the back road of Sinai Peninsula. As a result, Israel turned defeat into victory. Egypt lost in 3 days. If there were no sun that day, Egypt would have won, but God blurred their vision through the sun. Israel was like the "woman in labor" (Mic 4:9-12). UN ordered cease-fire. Under the advice of Kissinger, Israel obeyed on 10/22.

5. On 6/6/1982

during the Iran-Iraq war, the 5th Middle East War was Israel versus Syria and Lebanon.

(1) Before the war:

In 1973, USSR began to arm Syria. Although Syria had lost 300 tanks, USSR provided them 800 new T-62 tanks and added 6,000 counter-tank missiles. After the war in 1973, USA introduced peace. Israel withdrew a little from Suez Canal and allowed the Canal open in 1975. Israel returned the oil from Sinai to Egypt. In 1974, PLO not being a country, was given an UN observer position. In 1975, opposed by Israel, UN Security Council recognized PLO as a mobile government. Lebanon became Middle East battlefield after 1974. PLO's plan to topple Jordanian king Hussein failed and moved in to Lebanon after being evicted from Jordan. In 1977, the news of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusalem for peace shook the world. The negotiation failed in a few months. USA intervened in 1979 and established a peace treaty. Israel returned Sinai to Egypt. On 10/8/1980, USSR and Syria signed a 20-year "Friendship Agreement". In 4/1981, Syria attacked Lebanon, set up Soviet-made missiles at Bekaa Valley, supported PLO in the south of Lebanon, and attacked west of Galilee in Israel's north. Israel counter-attacked. Syria and PLO were defeated. On 6/7/1981, Israel sent a team of planes to drop 16 bombs and destroyed all of Iraq's nuclear equipments in 2 minutes. On 10/6/1981, Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat was inspecting ceremoniously the military in Cairo. Just as he was standing happily on the inspection platform, a tank passed by. Several killers jumped out and killed him (Please refer to Exo 31:14) !

(2) Official open-fire:

  Victory over Syria on 6/6/1982: Israel demolished in 6 minutes Syria's Sam-6 missile base in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanese capital, Beirut. In the following 2 air battles, Israel shot down 80 Syrian fighter planes without losing one of her own. This war was known as "Tomorrow's War" (electronic war) and shook the world. The British-Argentine war was only "Yesterday's War". Please refer to Deu 32:30, Lev 26:8! Israel was really like the "lion of the forest" (Mic 5:8-9). During these Middle East wars, the Arab countries disintegrated from within. They mobilized 200 million people from 22 countries, they also had oil as weapon and Soviet's full support. They were still repeatedly defeated by Israel. The other Middle East wars were meant to annihilate Israel but Israel will never again be uprooted (Amo 9:11-15). The situation of failing through several stages was " though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him." (Amo 5:19) "Fled from a lion", the lion refers to Britain. Palestine was governed by Britain. Israel's rebuilding was "fled from a lion". "Only to meet a bear", bear symbolizes USSR (large). USSR was the first to recognize Israel but became an enemy later and joined the Middle East war. Israel will be suppressed especially by USSR and the nation of the north in the first half of the 7-year Tribulation (Eze 38:39). "Only to have a snake bite him", the snake symbolizes antichrist. Israel will be attacked by antichrist in the later 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation (Rev 12:7,9), 2/3 will die and only 1/3 (the whole house) will be saved. Israel will not be annihilated after the rebuilding (Jol 3:20).

II.  Iran-Iraq War (9/22/1980 to 1988, 8 years)

1. Before the war

Iraq was the earliest to prepare for nuclear war. In 1974, France helped her to build a nuclear reactor named after the  French prime minister at a cost of 27.5 million US dollars. It was finished in 1980. An important equipment for manufacturing nuclear bomb, hot cell was purchased from Italy at a cost of 50 million US dollars. Israel prime minister Begin implemented the "Babylon Action Plan" to destroy this reactor. In the evening of 6/7/1980, 6 F-15 fighters and 8 F-16 bombers entered Iraq just before sunset. When the Iraqi radar troops saw them and questioned them through cable, Israeli pilots answered in excellent English and Arabic: "We are Jordanian planes in flight-training." Jordan always had good relationship with Iraq with planes flying between them. The Israeli planes flew into the atomic bomb research center at 6:30 pm and destroyed the center in 2 minutes by dropping 16 tons of gunpowder from an altitude of 2,000 meters. The Iraqi high-shooting canons missed them, the nuclear factory's protecting planes did not move, and the Soviet-made Sam-6 missile was not fired. Later, Israeli planes flew back safely. The Arab countries called an Arab Union representative meeting on 6/11 at Baghdad and vowed to revenge. On 7/29/1980, UN passed the resolution to order Israel to withdraw before 11/15 (100 days) from the "Arab territory" occupied by Israel before 6/1967 including Jerusalem, but Israel refused to withdraw. Next day, on 7/30, Israel congress passed the law and declared Jerusalem as Israel's "never divided capital". Iraq and Saudi Arabia decided on 8/7 to cut diplomatic relations with countries that recognize Israel. In 4 days, 9 Arab countries supported this decision. It looked as if the Arab countries would unitedly attack Israel.

2. Iran-Iraq war

At this tense moment on 9/22/1980, the Iran-Iraq war broke out. Both countries were Islam opposing Israel together. But they now have conflicts and the whole Arab world was divided to two factions. In order to resolve the conflicts, they were unable to fight Israel. On 9/16/1980, 40+ Islamic countries met together but were unable to reconcile. The war officially broke out on 9/22 and caused a split in the Arab countries.

3. After 8 years of war

The casualty of both countries was more than 500,000, twice the number from the five Middle East wars. The damage was 500 billion US dollars. Just as the Arab countries intended to annihilate Israel, the Iran-Iraq war lasted 8 years followed by Syria-Lebanon conflicts for several years. Of course, these were all in the hands of God.

III.  Persian Gulf War

On 1/17/1991, Iraq said that if she was attacked, she would destroy Israel first. When the countries including Iraq were planning to invade Israel, the issue of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait suddenly appeared. Troops from multiple countries appeared in Kuwait (fulfilling Isa 13:3-4). Thus, Arab countries again were unable to fight Israel. Iraqi president, Sadam Hussein said: "I am Nebuchadnezzar II". At the beginning of the war, he fired missiles at Israel several times hoping for Israel's counter-attack in order to avert the attention of Arab countries and jointly attack Israel. But USA told Israel not to react. As a result, Israel had little damage. When the war ended, Iraq failed and yet Israel was at peace!

In the past 5 Middle East wars, Israel won every time, at the Gulf war, she won without fighting. The Bible prophesied that Israel will not be destroyed again after the rebuilding until Christ's return (Jol 3:20, Amo 9:14-15).



       After the rebuilding of Israel, the Arab countries continued to fight with the Israelites for land. Both sides have been developing weapons. But eventually, there will be peace in the Middle East because "While people are saying,'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly......" (1 Thess 5:3) First, there will be peace in the Middle East, then the seven years of tribulation will come. In Rev 6:2, we learn that there is the "white horse" which represents peace followed shortly by the "red horse" or war. Ever since the rebuilding of Israel , they have been fighting for land and the wars never ended. Not until after Israel and Palestine signed the peace agreement on 9/13/1993 was there finally the beginning of peace in Middle East.


I.   UN Resolution

       Some people say that Israel was able to rebuild only with the help of UN. Now let us look at the UN's mandate:

1. On 11/29/1947, the Palestinian division plan internationalized Jerusalem.

2. On 11/22/1967, UN passed the Resolution no. 242 and ordered Israel to withdraw from the land she occupied as a result of the Six-Day War including Jerusalem; the Palestinian territory previously owned by Arabs must have complete political independence.

3. On 12/6/1988, UN resolved that "Israel is not a country which desires peace". and advocated all countries to cut diplomatic relations with Israel. Later, UN again resolved in Geneva to force Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.

II.   Camp David System

       Camp David is situated in the suburb of Washington, DC. From 9/5/1978 to 9/15/1978, former US president Carter organized a Middle East peace conference between Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israel prime minister Menachem Begin. The Camp David Peace Agreement was signed and the foundation of peace between the two countries was built. In 4/1982, Israel returned Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. But the Arab countries opposed and removed Egypt from the Arab cam#p. This was not an official Middle East peace agreement but rather the beginning of the peace agreement. After this, Islam powers were more dependent on the help of the Soviet Union's weaponry.


III.  USA's Attitude

1. Carter: planned Camp David system as mentioned above.

2. Reagan: On 12/8/1988, when UN asked all countries to terminate diplomatic relations with Israel, Arafat was refused entry by Reagan. On 12/16, USA met with PLO in Tunisia.

3. Before 1991, USA was pro-Israel. She wanted Israel to fight for her to oppose USSR's gulf war. Later, USA made a 180o turn in her Middle East plan and proposed the "New World Order". USA became world police. USA used to be a country that belongs to God but she disobeyed the Bible.

4. Bush's proposal: Of the 75% of oil in the Persian Gulf, the Anglo-American companies account for 60%. In order to protect her oil profits, there had to be a Middle East policy to urge for peace. To please the Arab countries, USA compromised and agreed with the UN to divide Palestine. The west bank including Bethlehem, Shechem, Hebron was given to Arabs, and Jerusalem was divided into the east and west halves. East Jerusalem was given to the Arabs. Ezekiel prophesied that Israel "...will never again be two nation..." (Eze 37:22) but USA did not follow the biblical prophecy. The peace conference was controlled by USA so that Middle East would provide for the USA. On 10/30/1991, the Middle East peace conference was held in Madrid. The meeting was reconvened on 4/29/1993.


IV.  Middle East Peace Treaty began

1. Israel-Palestine peace agreement

(1) New nation:

There was never a Palestinian nation before except for the formation of PLO in 5/1964. On 11/15/1988, the Palestine national committee passed the Declaration of Independence at the 19th special meeting and requested the withdrawal of Israel from Jerusalem. They also declared Jerusalem to be their capital. The Palestine nation was born. Arafat read the Declaration of Independence. On 3/29/1989, he became president. Algeria was the first to recognize her because their ancestors were brothers. Palestine nation includes west bank of Jordan and Gaza district. They used Arabic. Half a month after the nation's birth on 11/29/1988, UN supported her with 121 votes. USA and Israel opposed, Britain declined to vote. Palestine is a thorn of Israel. Her birth as a nation is against the promise of the Bible. Thus, UN also negated the biblical promise.

(2) Signing of the peace agreement

At 11:15 on 3/13/1993, Clinton, Arafat of Palestine nation, and Rabin of Israel went on stage at the south lawn of the White House. Clinton held the hands of both men to make peace (Isa 28;14,18, 14:31-32). At 11:40, Israel's and Palestine's ministers of foreign affairs drafted the "Declaration of Palestinian Self Administer Gaza and Jericho Principle".

On 12/16/1993, Israel's security troops closed the four Jewish quarters in the west bank of Jordan river.

On 5/4/1994, both sides formally signed the final peace agreement in Cairo: Israel gave Gaza and Jericho to Palestine. Joshua led the people across river Jordan. The first city to take was Jericho (Jos 6), Solomon at last unified "...over all the kingdoms west of the river, from Tiphsah to Gaza......" (1 Kin 4:24) Now Rabin gave away the "head and tail" to Palestine! So, many people were saying that Rabin sold Israel.

On 10/23/1998, Israel and Palestine signed the peace agreement in the White House. Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to withdraw 13.1% from the west bank of Jordan, opening the Middle East Peace!

2. Israel and Jordan signed the peace treaty

(1) Kingdom of Jordan:

Jordan is east of Jordan river. Before the formation of nation, she was called "outer Jordan". The Kingdom of Jordan was formed in 1946. At the time of Israel's rebuilding, she occupied Jerusalem and a large area west of the river. In 1950, she grew stronger after swallowing Arabia and Palestine and was renamed "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan". In 1967, she joined Egypt and Syria to destroy Israel but failed. Jordan was chased out of East Jerusalem and west bank fulfilling Psa 83. Now Jordan is made up of several tribes: Moab, Edom, Ammon, Hashemite, Bedouins, and Palestine.

(2) signing of the peace treaty:

On 9/14/1993, Israel and Jordan signed a peace negotiation framework agreement at the US Congress. On 7/25/1994, Rabin shook hands for the first time with Jordanian king Hussein and signed the joint declaration in the White House terminating the 46-year-long war situation. Hussein I self claimed to be the offspring of Mohammed when in fact he was Ammonite. Unfortunately Rabin respected Jordan's "special effect" in Jerusalem's mosque and gave high priority to Jordan during the negotiation regarding this city's permanent status.

  On 10/17/1994, Rabin and Jordanian prime minister drafted the peace treaty in America.

  At 2 pm on 10/26/1994, Israel and Jordan signed the official Peace Treaty. On 11/27, both countries established diplomatic relations.

3. Later, others will also want to make peace treaty with Israel

(1) Syria will probably be the next one to make peace:

Syria is northeast of Israel, a stubborn northern enemy of Israel, has a population of 9 million. Assyria comprised the main part of the historical Great Syria and was the source of today's Syria. The Assyria mentioned several times in the Bible refer to today's Syria (Isa 10:20-30). In 733 BC, Assyria occupied Palestine. From 1517 to 1917, the Ottoman Empire ruled Palestine for 400 years. On 4/14/1946, the French army retreated and Syria became independent.

(2) Others:

On 11/1/1994 during the Middle East - North Africa finance conference held in Casa Blanca, Morocco, the "Casa Blanca Declaration" was made. Morocco, Tunisia and Israel set up benefit bureaus to establish low-grade official relationshi#p. The six Gulf nations removed partially the sanctions against Israel. Following Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco, Oman was the fifth nation to establish "low-grade" diplomatic relationship with Israel.




       Will the future situation be war or signing of peace treaty? We will find out what the Bible says about the development.


I.   Israel's Final Territory

The Bible not only tells us that Israel will not be pulled out after the rebuilding but also outlines Israel's future boundaries.

1. The east border is the Euphrates River

 " the great river, the Euphrates……." (Gen 15:18) Euphrates is a large river in Babylon. This means that Israel's future east boundary will be to Babylon's Euphrates river.

2. The west border is the Mediterranean Sea:

" the Sea of the Philistines……" (Exo 23:31), " the Great Sea on the west" (Jos 1:4). The coast of Philistine was along the Mediterranean Sea, also called the Great Sea.

3. The south border is the river of Egypt

"...from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates" (Gen 15:18), "...from Egypt to the great river" (Mic 7:12).

4. The north border is Assyria and Lebanon

"...from the desert to Lebanon..." (Jos 1:4), "...people will come to you from Assyria..." (Mic 7:12). Assyria includes today's Syria.

No matter how they fight for land, God has already determined Israel's future boundaries: east to Babylon, west to Mediterranean Sea, south to Egypt, north to Syria and Lebanon. This will be fulfilled.

II. Exchange Land for Peace

After the rebuilding of Israel, the Arab countries have always been wanting to annihilate Israel. On failing, they fought for land and insisted that Israel's past territory was theirs. The condition of peace treaty was to have Israel exchange land for peace. Israel was rebuilt and regained a major part of the land, but now she had to give away land to gain peace.

1. Rabin was the first man to exchange land for peace. Therefore, many people say that he sold Israel

Yitshak Rabin was born in Jerusalem on 3/1/1922 and grew up in Tel Aviv. He was Israel's ambassador in Washington for five years beginning 1/1968. He was the first prime minister to be born in Israel. From 9/1984 to 3/1990, he was the minister of national defense. In 6/1992, he became prime minister. The name Rabin is similar to rabbi. "Rabin" means the head of many (ra, ruler or head; bin, many). According to Dan 9:27, antichrist will make a treaty with many. Antichrist is the last one to make peace treaty, but Rabin was the first one. "Head" can also be interpreted "the first of many". He started making peace treaties and exchanging land for peace. To make treaty with Gentiles and their gods was wrong: "Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in your land...... ." (Exo 23:32-33, Isa 14:31-32) But the Bible still prophesied that the Israelites would make covenants with them. Israelites make a treaty with the Arabs to obtain peace in Middle East, then the seven years of tribulation will come. However, to exchange land for peace was not in God's will, hence Rabin was murdered soon after (11/4/1995). This "head" fell off him. In Gen 15:17, "When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces." Connecting the Hebrew letters, this verse becomes "fire, fire, bad rabin", Rabin was cut up like the meat offering. He did not glorify God.

2. Shimon Peres succeeded Rabin as prime minster

 "Peres" means divide. He has divided the land! He is also "flying eagle" meaning faster. When he was sworn in as prime minister on 11/22/1995, there was an earthquake of 6.2 Richter scale. This was God's warning for him not to give away land (Lev 25:23). But he wanted to give away even Bethlehem and Jerusalem to Palestine, Golan Heights to Syria. Thus, he soon lost power! The eagles fly fast: he gave away land fast and fell from power fast!


III.  Fighting for Land

We are talking about the land God gave to Israel. However, the Arabs never let go ever since Israel's rebuilding. But they have no land title whereas the Israelites have the deed of the land - the Bible.

1. Jerusalem

Jerusalem is the holy land passed down by Israelites' ancestors. From the time David became king to 1004 BC, David succeeded in breaking down the defense line of Jerusalem and made it a center of monotheism. He made Jerusalem the capital. The year 1996 was Jerusalem's 3000th anniversary.

In 1967, Israel reclaimed the old city of Jerusalem and tore down the dividing wall to reunite the east and west parts of the city.

On 7/30/1980, the Israel legislature passed the law and declared east and west Jerusalem as Israel's "never to be divided capital". The Arabs fight for Jerusalem without any legitimate ground because this is Israel's capital.

2. Jericho

Jericho is "a city of palm trees" with barren rocky hills surrounding it. It is northeast of Jerusalem.

Province of Jericho: 365 km2, population 35,000.

Town of Jericho: 25 km2, population 16,000.

Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan river to enter Canaan, Jericho was the first city to be conquered, so of course, it belongs to Israel.

3. Hebron

This is in the south part of the Judea hills west of the river approximately 40 km from Jerusalem with an area of 10 km2. There are 120,000 Arabic inhabitants but only 450 Jews (52 families) in the Hebron Jewish district. Hebron has an important holy place of Islam, the Mosque. Hebron was promised to Israel by God. Here were the tombs of Abraham and the offsprings (Gen 25:7-10, 23:12,19). In Hebron, David "reigned over Judah seven years and six months" (2 Sam 5:5). The Jews said: "It is as holy as Jerusalem in our hearts". In 1950, Hebron was included in Jordan as a provincial capital. In the "six-day war", 1967, Israel reoccupied this city and sent three camps of soldiers to stay there. The Jewish immigrants were unwilling to leave Hebron.

4. Gaza District

The Gaza District is in southwest Israel with an area of 350 km2, 750,000 Palestinians and 4000 Jews. This was given to Israel by God " far as Gaza..." (Gen 10:19). Joshua did not conquer it (Jos 13:1-2), later God told Judah to take it (Jos 15:47). "The men of Judah also took Gaza.….." (Jdg 1:18). Finally, Solomon ruled over Gaza and "all the kingdoms" (1 Kin 4:24). In 1967, Israel recovered Gaza. At the end of 1996, there were one million Palestinians.

5. West Bank

When Joshua led the Israelites across Jordan River, the first place they set foot on was the West Bank of Jordan River. God told Joshua to cross the River in order to give the entire land to Israelites (Jos 1:1-4). It has an area of 5295 km2, one million Palestinians, 100000 Jews. In the third Middle East war

on 6/5/1967, Israel regained the land from Jordan.

6. Sinai Peninsula

Israelites left Egypt to reach Sinai desert. This proves that Sinai did not belong to Egypt. Israelites entered Canaan, so it did not belong to Israel either. In the second Middle East war on 10/29/1956, Israel regained important sites of Gaza and Sinai. In 1982, Israel withdrew from Sinai.

7. South of Lebanon

This was a mountain near Tyre along the northwest coast of Israel. This was promised by God to Israel: "...Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates river to the western sea." (Deu 11:22-24) In 3/1978, to protect her safety in the north, Israel reclaimed an area of 1,100 km2 in southern Lebanon. In 6/1982, Israel attacked Lebanon. After the Israeli army withdrew, a safety zone of 850 km2 was still kept.

8. Golan Heights

This is narrow hilly area running between south and north situated in southwest Syria. The altitude is 1,000 m and area 1150 km2. It was Israeli territory, God gave it to the tribe of Manasseh: "...Golan in Bashan, for the Manassites." (Deu 4:43, Jos 20:8, 21:27, 1 Chr 6:71). Golan belonged to the half tribe of Manasseh east of river Jordan and was south of Dan. Of course, it belonged to Israelites.

Golan Heights is strategic for battles as it looks down the Galilee in the west and controls the major route to Damascus in the east. Jordan River originates from Golan Heights and is a precious resource in the arid Middle East. There are several volcanos in the north, plateaus for farming in the central region. There were 108 farms, 163 villages in the old days. After Israel's rebuilding, it was occupied by Syria. During the 3rd Middle East war on 6/9/1967, Israel reclaimed 1,200 km2. 12,000 Jews lived in the 32 residential areas. Another 400-510 km2 was regained by Israel during the 4th Middle East war. After the 2 wars, approximately 150,000 Syrians left Golan Heights. Under the urging of US Secretary of State, Kissinger, Syria and Israel signed an agreement on 5/31/1974 to have the Israeli army retreat 630 km2 in the east and to set up a 2 km wide neutral zone for the UN troops. In 1978, Israel had 28 residential zones. On 12/14/1981, Israel legislature passed the Golan Heights law and decided to implement Israeli law in the Golan Heights. Syria joined the Middle East peace conference held in Madrid on 10/30/1991. Israel said on 8/5/1993: "If Syria agrees to peace, the establishment of diplomatic relationship, and open up the border to allow trade, Israel will withdraw from Golan Heights just as she withdrew from Sinai in 1982. On 12/19/1994, UN resolution no. 497 was passed to request Israel's complete withdrawal from Golan Heights. This was opposed by USA. Israel proposed to withdraw the army in stages over 3 years. When Peres became prime minister in 1995, he wanted to give Golan Heights to Syria.


. Implementing peace

Israel's rebuilding led to her reclaiming the lost land which resulted in Arabic refugees. Thus, they looked unfavorably upon Israel. In order to obtain peace in the Middle East, Israel must give up a lot of territory. The Gentiles declared to build their nations on Israeli territory. Yet, they will fail eventually. At present, they won the recognition of several countries as well as UN's support. UN Resolution 338 and 242 divided up Israel into small plots and Jerusalem into east and west halves: east for Muslims, west for Israel. The UN assembly decided on the "exchange land for peace" principle.

We know that east Jerusalem is the location for the temple, Mt Zion and Mt Olive. God said: "I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms." (Eze 37:22) But UN and USA said: " Israel will become several nations". Palestine continued to lose but was not wiped out, She eventually became a nation on Israel's territory and Israelites' thorn (Jdg 3:1-4). There are several other countries occupying Israel's territory.

1. Signing of agreement

Rabin was the first man to sign Middle East peace treaties; the last will be Antichrist who will make a seven-year covenant with Israel and then will the seven-year tribulation begin: "While people are saying, 'Peace and safety', destruction will come on them suddenly...... ." (1 Ths 5:3) Revelation also forewarns that there will first be peace and then enter the tribulation: the first seal being the white horse (Rev 6:2), ie. peace, then the second seal being the red horse (Rev 6:4), ie. war. As we watch the beginning of peace in the Middle East, we know the day of Lord's return is near!

2. Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu: Benjamin means "son of the right hand"; Netanyahu is "given by God", "unity". He wants to unite the nation according to God's will. He was born in Tel Aviv on 10/21/1949. He studied business and architecture in USA and was familiar with USA's political style. On 5/29/1996, he became Israel's prime minister at the age of 46. As soon as he was elected, he went to pray at Jerusalem's wailing wall. He supports Middle East peace but not in exchange for land. At present, he is opposed by many countries especially the Arabs. But the relationship became tense again between USA and Iraq! This is God's arranging. He maintains "The Great Israel Plan" and objects to dividing Jerusalem. He continuously attacks Peres' weakness. He spoke at the White House on 7/10/1996 and voiced that the entire Jerusalem is the permanent capital of Israel. He objects to the founding of Palestine nation and the yielding of Golan Heights to Syria. On 9/15/1996, he said: "I will maintain my basic policy", "Only things like Jerusalem are holy". He said again on 11/26/1996: "I will ignore the pressure of international request for Israel to stop rebuilding and will expand the Jewish residences in the West Bank and Gaza district.". This is the second largest of the 144 Jewish districts with 15,000 inhabitants. It divides the Palestinian self-administrative zone in the West bank into several small zones. On 12/2/1996, Israel warned Arab countries not to attack Israel and that they are unlikely to win the battle of words. Minister of Foreign Affairs, David Levi strongly rebuked Egypt. On 12/10/1996, Israel's foreign affairs department declared in writing: "Settling Jewish immigrants in Gaza and West Bank is not against the international law because it was allowed and supported by the former British administration especially on the nationally owned land.", "Resettling immigrants is also not contradictory to the Geneva treaty passed in 1949 regarding protection of inhabitants under siege because Israel never admitted to occupying the West Bank and Gaza by military force. At the same time, Israel agrees to respect human rights in these districts just as in any other place. Jews also have the right to live in West Bank and Gaza". The paper pointed out: "The Oslo Agreement ruled that in the five-year transition period of Palestinian self administration, Jewish immigration zones are allowed to exist." On 12/11/1996, Israel government allowed building of new Jewish residences in east Jerusalem. This was the first residential district in Arabic Jerusalem built by Israel. But Israel still faces difficulties. US president Clinton said on 12/16/1996: "Israel's financial aid to Israeli inhabitants in West Bank and Gaza only produces obstacles to the progress of peace in the Middle East". He also advocated a repeat meeting between Israel and Palestine to solve the problem of Israeli army's withdrawal from Hebron. On 12/23/1996, Israel agreed to the expansion plan in Golan Heights and US ambassador in Egypt criticized Israel's building of residential zones. At the end of 1996, Israel agreed to withdraw from Hebron. At dawn on 1/15/1997 at the border of Gaza and Israel, Israel drafted the agreement to withdraw from Hebron beginning 1/17 and to give 80% of the city to Palestine. This was under USA, Arabic and international pressure. The road is still windy but no matter what happens, peace in the Middle East will be achieved before the seven-year tribulation. May God give her strength to act according to the Bible!

3. God chose Israel

Israel is God's chosen people. Christ was born in Israel. God wanted to make Israel the head of nations in the millennium. God gave Jews special wisdom: majority of the scientific advances in USA was invented by Jews. Recently, Israel invented new missiles better than those of USA.




       The Bible prophesied long ago the two camps of Israel and Arabs, especially the situation after Israel's rebuilding. From the development of the situation, we really know: God exists, the Bible is from God, the day of Lord's return is near.

       We ought to pay special attention to the development of the present Middle East situation. The peace treaties will continue to be signed but there will be a few twists before Christ's second coming. Whether peace will be achieved through land exchanges or through war depends on Netanyahu's perseverance. Whichever the case may be, there will be peace before the seven years of tribulation ( 1 Thess 5:3, Rev 6:1-4 ). When Antichrist signs the final seven-year peace covenant, Israel will live "... in safety" (Eze 38:8) and "...without walls and without gates and bars" (Eze 38:11). Why will they live in safety without gates and bars? The Arabic nations will have all signed peace treaties with Israel including Europe's representative, Antichrist's seven-year covenant so that the Israelites will tear down the walls. Jerusalem will be without gates and bars because no one will attack them so that they can live in safety. However, this kind of peace is false, temporary. "While people are saying, 'Peace and safety', destruction will come on them suddenly." (1 Thess 5:3)

       Russia and the country of the North will attack Israel at the beginning of the seven years of tribulation (Eze 38-39).

      Egypt (king of the South) will try to destroy Israel: "Egypt rises like the Nile, like rivers of surging waters? She says, 'I will rise and cover the earth; I will destroy cities and their people.' " (Jer 46:8) "Cities" refers to Jerusalem. Egypt will finally be head of south Arabic nations, "King of the North" is headed by Russia. "They will also invade the Beautiful Land..." which refers to Israel. Egypt and many countries will almost be annihilated: "He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape." (Dan 11:41-42, Eze 29:9-12)

       Syria planned to burn Israel in 1967 on the Galilee plateaus. But she will be punished: "An oracle concerning Damascus: 'See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.' " (Isa 17:1) Damascus is the capital of Syria, it is the oldest city in the world to be inhabited and yet, it will be destroyed. Jordan was combined from Moab, Ammon, and Edom.

       Jordan has already made peace with Israel and will be saved: " 'Yet I will restore the fortunes of Moab in days to come', declares the Lord." (Jer 48:47) "Yet afterward, I will restore the fortunes of Ammonites." (Jer 49:6) "...but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand." (Dan 11:41)

       Israel will run away from Antichrist in the seven years of tribulation: "The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert...… ." (Rev 12:14) This "woman" is Israel. She will escape to Edom, Moab, and Ammon east of river Jordan. Finally, they will be saved by Christ (Zec 13:8-9).

       In the millennium, Israel will obtain the territory given by God and become the head of nations. As we watch the development of the Middle East situation, we know that God is sovereign. We believe that Israel cannot be destroyed. At the end times, we need to pay attention to prophecy. Do not forget that we must be wary (spiritual growth) in order to welcome Christ's return: " will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning stars rise in your hearts." (2 Pet 1:19)


                                Jan. 22, 1997.


Map of the Middle East


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