FORWARD.................................................................................................... 1


. The Five Continents in the World................................ 2

. The Spread of Noah's three Sons.................................... 2

. General Condition of Europe.......................................... 3

. A Brief History of Europe.................................................... 5

CHAPTER 2  THE FOUR EMPIRES................................................ 11

. Nebucchadnezzar's Dream............................................. 11

. Daniel's Vision.......................................................................... 12


CHAPTER 4  ROME WILL BE REVIVED..................................... 18

I. “The European Economic Community”....................... 18

II. "The European Common Market".................................. 19

III. The European Union (European Federation)....... 20

IV. Europe Will Be Uinited....................................................... 21

V. The Bible Prophecies of the Revival and the Unification of Rome (the site of Europe).     27

Picture: Euro ………...…………………………………………..31

 ©            Samuel Lamb


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Dan 2:40-43, 7:19-20, Rev 13:1, 17:7, 12, 18:2,10

We need to read the Bible to know whether there is God. The materialization of the Bible prophecies is a very important evidence.

There are many Bible prophecies. Knowing the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies, one can be sure that there is God who exists in heaven and earth; at the same time  we can also prove that the Bible comes from God.

We, Christians should be aware of the fulfilling of end-time prophecies. Our faith has been built up as we have witnessed these prophecies coming to pass one after another. Furthermore,  we believe that Christ will return soon.

For many years, "The European Union" is a very important topic. In the recent years a general feeling toward it is a mixture of both joy and worries. But the recent progress in  Europe indeed is a great leap toward unification.

The Middle East is the world's focus. The Bible had most prophecies about Jesus Christ. It also had many prophecies concerning the Middle East because Israel is the center of the world.

Other than the Middle East, Europe is next in importance. The Bible had prophecies about Europe long ago: the revival of Rome. When we see the signs of the revival of the Roman Empire, we know that the Lord's return is near.

The Books of Daniel and Revelation had detail prophecies concerning the revival of Rome. From the time of Daniel till now there has been 2500 years, during which the prophecies in the Bible, especially those concerning the end-time events, have come to pass one after another. It's truly amazing!



First of all, we need to understand the general condition of Europe and its position in the world in order to interpret the fulfillment of the prophecies about Europe.

. The Five Continents in the World.

There are five continents in the world, they are all surrounded by oceans. Each of the continents has many countries. They are: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The largest nation in Oceania is Australia, therefore, Oceania is also known as Australia. If we divide America into North and South America, there would be six continents altogether. Some people also divide America into North, Central and South America, adding up to a total of seven.

. The Spread of Noah's three Sons

Noah had three sons, "And Noah was five hundred years old, and Noah begot Shem, Ham and Japheth." (Gen. 5:32, ref. 6:10; 25-27, 10:1, 32).

After the flood subsided, God ordered Noah's family to leave the ark (Gen. 18:15-19).

After Noah's family left the ark, his three sons and their descendants were scattered in Europe, Asia and Africa.

1. Shem (Gen. 10:21-31):

The descendants of Shem were chiefly scattered in Asia, they are the yellow-skinned race. The Israelites are the descendants of  Shem; Chinese are also the descendants of Shem. Some Chinese are also directly descended from  Noah. In the Northern part of China there was a tribe called "Nuwo," pronounced very similar to "Noah."

2. Ham (Gen. 10: 6-14)

The descendants of Ham were mainly scattered in Africa. "Ham" means " Blackness;" they are mostly the black people. There were Philistines in Africa (V.14). Ham had a son called Canaan (v.6). Sidon, Gaza, Sodom, Gomorrah, etc. were also descendants of Ham.

3. Japheth (Gen. 10:2-5):

The descendants of Japheth were chiefly scattered in Europe. They were the white people. Later they flooded America and Australia. Therefore the Americans and Australians were mainly white people.

. General Condition of Europe

The major continents in the world before America had been discovered were Europe, Asia, Africa. Besides the few countries in  Asia such as Israel, Babylon, Persia, China and Japan, Europe had its importance as well.


1. Europe is located in the northwest of the Eastern hemisphere. The whole continent is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean in the north, Atlantic Ocean in the east, Mediterranean and the Black Sea in the south. On the main land there is Uralskiy Khr. Mountains in the furthest east,  Maracay in the most south, C.da Roca in the furthest west and Nordcapp in the most north.

The East of Europe is separated from Asia by Uralskiy Khr. Mountains and  River, Caucasus and  Bosporus Mountains, Caspian, Marmara and Dardanelles Seas. Separating the south of Europe from Africa is the Mediterranean Sea. North America is facing Europe in the northwest and separating this two continents are Greenland Sea and Denmark Sea.

2. Area: 10160 thousand km square.

3. Population: 700 million odds, taking 12.9% of the world's total, the densest continent in the world.The major race in Europe is white (European).Most of the Europeans believe in Catholicism and Christianity (Protestant and Orthodox).

4. The European Mountains.

1)       Alps Mountains: extending across the south, the highest mountains in Europe, having average height more than three thousand meters. Mountain Blanc is its highest peak, 4807 meters above sea level.

2)       Uralskiy Khr. Mountains: at the boundary between Eastern Europe and West Asia.

3)       Caucasus Mountains: in the northeast of Europe. The major peak is Elbrus Mountain, 5642 above sea level, the highest across the whole Europe.

4)       Scandinavian Mountains: in the north of Europe.

5. Rivers

5)       Volga River: 3690 km, the longest in Europe.

6)       Danube: 2850 km, the second greatest river in Europe.

6. Lakes:

Europe is a continent with plenty groups of lakes. There are approximately 60 thousand lakes. Finland has been called a "nation of thousand lakes" for a long time.

7. Geographic Regions

Europe is divided into South, West, Middle, North and East, five regions and there are  totally forty-three countries. Fano Islands belong to Denmark.

The six countries in Western Europe are the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, France and Monaco. Capitalist European countries are called “Western Europe”.

The nine countries in Middle Europe are Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. 

The five countries in Northern Europe are Jutland and Scandinavian: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark (including Fano Islands).

The seven countries in Eastern Europe are Estonia, Latvia, Luthuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and part of Russian Europe.

There are sixteen countries in Southern Europe including Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia, B.H. (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece.

. A Brief History of Europe

1. Ancient Roman Empire (63 BC —AD395)

There are two visions recorded in chapter 7 of the book of Daniel. The first vision was about the three great Empires (7:2-6); the second "visions" are plural, alluding the ancient Roman Empire. Why was it so strange that the former three Empires had only appeared in one vision, but the fourth Empire emerged in numerous visions? Obviously the Roman Empire was of great significance.

       The map of Rome at that time encompassed England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and part of Greece.

       Rome is the capital of Italy. The Romans established their state in about 700 BC. The ancient Roman Empire seized quite a lot of countries other than Italy persisted and constituted a big empire. Rome later became the capital of the Roman Empire.

Having taken Sicily in AD242, the Roman Empire was even more strengthened and rose to the peak of its ruling. In 146 BC they conquered Carthage and crowned themselves a tyranny in the Mediterranean. Since then the Empire had been undergoing a period of stability and prosperity. Romans put a lot of effort to build roads to improve transportation. Therefore there was a saying "every route leads to Rome." Later Rome had passages westward to Spain, northward to Germany and England and eastward to Egypt and Syria.

       It was in 63 BC General Pompeius first entered Jerusalem, Roman Empire then and only then officially began. Slavery and commercial goods flooded the Roman market. The saying "every route leads to Rome" portrays the picture of prosperity at that time. Roman citizens were considered as prestigious as the royal family. Those who were not qualified to become citizens belonged to a lower class. If a Roman citizen was sentenced to death this person would be beheaded; but if a slave had gotten his death sentence he would be crucified. Paul was a Roman citizen,  he was beheaded. Peter was not a citizen, he was crucified up-side-down. The soaring years of the Roman Empire were indeed just like what was said in Daniel 2:40, "as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things." This picture lasted until AD395, then the Roman Empire was divided into East Rome and West Rome.

       Despite the division, the reign of Romans did not end but was broken into many pieces and each piece was one country. After the division, there emerged many nations with  dictators.

       West Rome still kept Rome as the capital, and Constatine became the captital of  East Rome. This division lasted until AD476.

       West Rome (right leg) was crushed first. In AD773, Charlesmagne was the emperor, he couldn't  save Rome. In AD963, he was overthrown by Germany. The Germans moved the capital to Berlin and they wanted to seize the throne of the Romans. However, the title of the emperor, "Ceaser" or "Kaiser"  remained unchanged.

       Now let's look at East Rome, especially when the various Arabic countries were gradually forming. Mohammed introduced three thousand idols into Mecca. In 1453, Mahammed the Second eventually conquered the capital of East Rome.

       The former Soviet Union defeated the North of East Rome, including Amernia. It also occupied Constatine for a period of time, and moved the capital of East Rome to Petersburg.  Lastly the capital was moved again to Moscow which has remained until today. "Czar" in Russian is the same as "Kaiser" in German.

2.The several major countries in Europe.

       United Kingdom:  area 244,100 km square and population 58.05 million.  80% of the people are English. The rest are Scottish, Welsh, Irish. More than half are Christians. In the 7th century the feudal system was formed. In 829 England was united and it was the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period. In 1649, England became a republic. In 1688, monarchy was established.


       France:  area 551,602 km square and population 57.80 million, mostly French. More than half of the people are Catholic. In the 5th Century the French Kingdom was established. At the end of the 15th Century it became a hegemonic nation. In 1789, the French Revolution broke out. Since then there were 5 republics and 2 empires formed. The birth of the 5th republic came about in 1958.

       Germany:  area 356,500 km square and population 81.19 million, mostly Deutsches. More than half of the people are Christians and Catholics.

       Before Christ was born, Germans lived in this country. In the 10th century  feudalism was formed. In 1871 the Deutsches Reich was unified. Both of the World Wars were initiated from here. On May 9th, (or 8th in western calendar), 1945 Germany surrendered. The US, England, France and the former Soviet Union respectively occupied a section of Germany.

       In June 1948, the American, British and French regions were combined. On May 23rd, 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany, known as West Germany, was officially founded. On Oct. 7th, the Democratic Republic of Germany, or East Germany was also established. On Oct. 3rd, 1990, Germany was reunited.


       Russia:  area 171 million km square, the largest in the world; population 150 million. Russia extends across two continents and has more than one hundred ethnic groups, among which 83% are Russian groups. 

The middle of the European portion of Russia is the center of the rising Russia. During the 6th Century it gradually formed a confederation of  tribes. In AD 882, Kiev became the heart of the unified ancient Russia. In 988 it was converted to Christianity. The 12th Century was the period of feudal lords. At the end of the 15th Century,  a kingdom was established with Moscow as the center.   Between the 15th and the 16th Century a unified Russia was slowly formed. At the end of the 19th Century it became one of the most powerful nation in the world. November 7, (or October in Russian calendar) 1917 was the Russian October Revolution. Together with Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus Federation (later seceded) it formed the U.S.S.R. During 1924 through 1940, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan successively joined the Union. So there were 15 member countries. From March 1990 through December 1991, fourteen  members of the Union became independent. On Dec. 25th, 1991, Russia was  renamed as the Russian Federation. On Dec.26, 1991, it was announced that Soviet  Union was no longer in existence. On April 27th, 1992, it was announced that both Russia and Russian Federation are the official name of the nation.


       Italy:  area 301,300 km square and population 57.1 million, in which 94% are Italians and 90% are Catholics.

       The period from the 2nd  Century BC through 2rd Century AD was the peak of the Roman era. Between 12th and 13th Centuries, it was divided up into many kingdoms, states and self-ruling regions. In the 16th Century Italy had been again and again being ruled by other nations. In 1861 the Italian Kingdom was founded. In 1870 it was unified.  On June 2nd ,1946 the Republic of Italy was established.


       Greece:  area 131,190 km square and population 10.35 million, 90% are Greek. The country believes in Orthodox. Greece is an ancient civilized country with a history of three thousand years. Following the Medo Persian Empire, in 5th century BC, it was the peak of the the reign of the Greek Empire. Later it was defeated by the Roman Empire.

       In 1832 it declared its independence and established the Greek Kingdom. During World War II it was occupied by Germany. On Oct.15, 1944 the country gained its liberation. In 1974 the Republic of Greece began.

       The arts and culture of Greece is a precious treasure in the world. The New Testament was written in Greek.


       Austria: area 83,853 km square and population 8 million. After the First World War, the nation was dissolved. In 1918 it became a republic. The Alps Mountains lies across the whole country.


Hungary: area 93,033 km square and population 10.30 million. More than half of the people are Christians and Catholics.


       The Hungary Empire ruled over Czech since 1867. It established feudalism in AD1,000. After the First World War, the Hungary Empire was dissolved. On Feb.1st, 1946 it terminated the monarchy system and also became a republic.


       Portugal:  area 92,072 km square and population 9.87 million. More than half are Catholics. Portugal is an ancient country. In 1143 it became an independent kingdom. Between the 15th and the 16th Centuries Portugal was a power at sea and siezed many colonies. It began to decline during the second half of the 16th Century. From 1580 through 1640 it was taken over by Spain. In 1910 Portugal overthrew the monarchy system and formed a republic.


       Spain: area 504,750 km square and population 39.19 million. More than half believe in Catholicism. In 1942  the Spainish feudal kingdom was founded and  became a power at sea. It had many colonies. During the 16th Century it was gradually declining. The king was overthrown in the 19th Century and the nation became a republic. In February 1936 a united government was formed and in July 1947 it turned back to become a monarchical country.


       The brief history of the ten countries above shows that the founding of all these countries is after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Greek Empire was even earlier than the Roman Empire. In 1832, after the Roman Empire was already fallen long ago, Greece finally became an independent country.

       As we have acquired some knowledge on European history, we could have a better understanding on the Roman Empire as well as its revival.



We know that the various countries in Europe evolved from the Roman Empire, but do we know how it looked like before the Roman Empire came to existence?

In the past there had been four Empires in the world: Babylon Empire, Medo Persian Empire, Greek Empire and The Roman Empire. Existed earlier than Babylon was the Assyria Empire. However it covered an area that wasn't considered very large. Therefore in general there were only four great empires. The Roman Empire was the last one. These four Empires extended from Europe as far as Asia and a small part of Africa. Ever after the Roman Empire ended, there had not been any greater empires. Though the colonies of Great Britian scattered all over Europe, Asia and Africa, they were merely individual pieces of land and not a whole piece.

Then what does the word "Empire" mean? What's the difference between an empire and a kingdom? A country with a monarch is considered a kingdom, without one is called a republic. One country invading and taking over many other weaker countries constitutes an empire. The head of a kingdom is a king; the head of an empire is an emperor.

What about "imperialism?" An imperialist nation such as the United States does not necessarily have an emperor; but it bears strong interest to influence the less powerful nations.  Nations positioning themselves as the central hegemony over their dependent countries is imperalism.

Let's  take a look at the four Empires through the prophecies in the Bible.

. Nebucchadnezzar's Dream

The Book of Daniel has two chapters on the prophecies concerning the four Empires. Chapter 2 describes the dream of King Nebucchadnezzar; chapter 7 describes the visions of Daniel. Nebuccchadnezzar saw the four Empires through man's perspective, they were image of a human body; but Daniel saw them through God's perspective, they were merely beasts.

"Nebuchadnezza dreamed dreams, and his spirit was troubled, and his sleep went from him (Daniel 2:1)." However he said "my spirit  is troubled to know the dream (v.3) " He called the Chaldeans to decode the dreams, but "there is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king's matter ” (v.10). Finally someone introduced Daniel to the King. "Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision (v.19)." He told the interpretation of the dream to the king (31-33, 36-43).  The king saw "a great image. This image was mighty and its brightness excellent; it stood before thee, and its appearance was terrible (31)." This great image is composed with four parts: head, breast, belly and thighs, legs and feet (including toes).

1. "head was of fine gold” (v.32)

       Daniel explained to the King, "thou art his head of gold (38)." "Thou" was Nebucchadnezzar also referred to Babylon -- the first great Empire.

2. "Its breast and its arms of silver” (v.32b)

       In Daniel's intepretation, " after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee ” (v. 39) . Following Babylon was the Medo Persian Empire, but mainly the  Persian Empire, which was represented by silver. Silver is inferior to gold,  therefore the Medo Persia was inferior to Babylon.

3."Its belly and its thighs of brass"(v.32b)

       According to Daniel's interpretation, "then another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.” (v.39b) Following Medo Persia was the Greek Empire.

4."Its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of clay."v.33

       Daniel said, "the fourth kingdom” (v.40). This was the Roman Empire. Later it was divided into East and West, just like a man's two legs (41-43).

. Daniel's Vision.

After we reviewed the dream of Nebucchadnezzar concerning the four Empires, we now look at Daniel's visions. Daniel saw four beasts, they were also referred to as the four Empires.

In chapter 7 Daniel's visions appeared twice. The first vision in  verse one was about the first three beasts resembling the first three Empires (v.2-6). The second time Daniel saw visions particularly referred to the Roman Empire (v7). Notice the different pattern used here from the earlier vision.

1."The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I behold till its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth …… "(7:4)

       The first beast was lion, the king of all  beasts, resembling the Babylon Empire. It  "had eagle's wings": eagle is the king of all birds, its wings are different from other birds. Babylon was more superior than the various countries in the world (Hab.1:6-9). A lion with wings are even more special, like the cherubims.

       "Its wings were plucnked": Nebucchadnezzar's kingdom had been departed from him (4:28-33), but later it was revived (4:34-36). On the other hand, Babylon did not last very long, only for 70 years (Dan.9:12). Babylon captured Judea and established an empire. However, 70 years later it was destroyed by Medo Persia, the Jews were also released back to their home country.


2. "Another beast, a second, like unto a bear, and it raised up itself on one side; and [it had] there ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and they said thus unto it: Arise, devour much flesh.” (Dan. 7:5)

       Bear is a clumsy and fierce animal. It is equivalent to the silver arms of the great image. They both were referred to Mede and Persia, especially Persia.

       "It raised up itself on one side," means that it sat with one leg  positioning higher than the other.  Mede had first took the throne, but later it was replaced by Persia.

       "It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth." Perisia annihilated Lydda in 546 BC, Babylon in 539 BC, and Egypt in 525 BC. These three ribs represented the combined Persian Empire.


3."After this I saw, and behold, another, like a leopard, and it had four wings of a bird upon its back; and the beast had four heads; and dominion was given to it.” (Dan. 7:6)

       Greece was the third Empire, like the brass thighs and belly. Leopard fleets in super speed; it's handsome and loves to catch  pray.

       Greek culture and arts were fascinating. Alexandar of Greece was just like a leopard. He rose to power in 334 BC and  held wars toward all directions. He reached India in the East and Egypt in the South. Its ruling blossomed in a flash of time. Before he had gotten the chance to invade Western Europe, he passed away  at the age of 32. After his death, his four generals divided up his land  and each took a piece.

       "It had four wings of a bird." They are not the wings of eagle (comparing to v.4). They did not soar in the high air, but ran right on the ground. Alenxandar stepped into  throne at age 20, and at 22 he began to invade and conquer. Winthin 13 years he had taken over almost the whole world at that time. He was running speedily on the ground.

       Babylon had a pair of wings of an eagle. Greece had only four wings of a bird, but it had four heads. Four heads were supposed to have eight wings, yet they had only four.

       The four heads were the four places that Alexandar determined to conquer.He defeated Persian troops with only a small number of troops three times respectively: once in Grancius of Minor Asia in 334 BC; another time in Issus of the East of  Minor Asia in 333BC; and thirdly in 331 BC, he started from Gaugamela, a place not far from Niniveh, headed all the way to India.

       This was how the four generals of Alexandar dividing the Empire:

       Cassandeac took Mecedonia and Greece and used the name West Kingdom.

       Lysimachus took Tell Jezer and large portion of Minor Asia (Turkey).

       Ptolemy became the king of Egypt ( the Southern State).

       Seleucus Nicator took control over Syria (the Northern State) and the verious countries in the East.


4. "...a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and exceeding strong; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the rest with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns... three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots; …….)(Dan. 7:7-8)

       This beast has not been named, we would just call it "un-named beast." It is the Roman Empire, which is uniquely different from the former three. The visions on Roman Empires were Daniel's second visions. The former three Empires appeared in only one single vision. The fourth Empire appearing in another set of visons was already very unique, not to mention they were not just one vision.

       This Empire is "dreadful and terrible" : It lasted longer than the combined number of years that the earlier three lasted.

       "It had great iron teeth" : imperialism, barbarous and cruel.

       " It had ten horns" : Just as the ten toes of the human image. They allude to the revival of Rome and its splitting into ten countries ( Rev. 13:1). Later three of them will be destroyed again.




After we have studied the prophecies concerning the four Empires, especially the Roman Empire, we now look at how people forsee the European Union from various angles.

Recently many leaders in the world are proclaiming  "the New World Order".

One of the organizers of the European Union, Henry Speck said," What we need is not another conference, we need  a great and gifted man to save us from the deadlock economy. Whether he is god or devil, we want him to come soon." We must watch out, "whether he is god or devil" implies that the emergence of the Anti-Christ in the short future will soon be accepted by Europeans.

In 1941, Pope Pius XII suggested to "build a new Europe." The Church  decided to make March 20th, 1953 as "a day of the manifestation of the Holy Mother," at the same time  it advocated European nations be united. On Sept. 12th,  1958, Archbishop Montini presented the 66 inch statue of Saint Mary with " our adored lady, the queen of Europe" engraved on it. A few days later, on Sept. 26th, Bishop Graber announced in public, " we are going to initiate an International European Mary Movement, let us pray that the Middle East will once again  become part of the Imperium Marianum. “

Certainly, we don't go with the doctrines of the  Catholic organizations.  However, from their opinions we can see that they are also glad to work for the unification of Europe.

On July 1st, 1992, the Single Europe Act set the deadline of the date of the European economic unification on Dec. 31st, 1992.  In 1991 the Maastricht Treaty Pact was signed and it was officially carried out on Nov. 1st, 1993. The unification of Europe began.



The site of ancient Roman Empire was mainly in Europe. Since AD395, Roman  Empire had been divided into East and West and this picture lasted until AD476. Then the entire Europe gradually evolved into many individual countries. Since the Middle Age, many people attempted to revive the Roman Empire but no one ever succeeded.

The prophecy in the Bible concerning Rome will be revived eventually alludes to the unification of Europe.

"Babylon" in Revelation chapter 17 and 18 refers to "Rome." Chapter 17 is about the religious Babylon; the Babylon in chapter 18 is the revived Rome. John lived during the Roman era, it was not wise to talk about Rome directly. Instead of using "Rome" he chose the head of the great image, that is the head of the four Empires, Babylon, to imply things about Rome.  Rome will be revived and become a unity of ten nations.

We have said that the great image depicted in Daniel 2:31-33 is the vision of the four Empires. The legs and the toes -- the fourth Empire (Rome) will be revived (31,41) especially before the Millennium (33,34) and the second three and a haf years of the seven year disaster. (7:7-8, 20-25).

I. “The European Economic Community

The establishment of European Affair Community in 1948 through 1949 was the first sign of European unification. In 1951, the community was renamed "European Coal And Steel Community." It managed coal, iron and steel industries. It was also evolved from the "European Atomic Energy Community".

The king of Austria Hungary, Otto Von Habsburg is one of the key people who secretly organized this community. In March 25, 1957, he persuaded Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and W. Germany,  altogether six member countries to form the European Economic Community. As a result, in 1958 the community was founded. In 1960 the "European Common System" was put to effect following the signing of the Roman Treaty. Originally it was designed to symplify the commercial and custom procedures (cancelling the custom tax) and to encourage competitions with the US and Western Europe.

II. "The European Common Market"

In 1967 the "European Common Market" emerged. Being the major person in this event Husburg is now a representative in the European Parliament.

Why is there a common market? It is for building a better economy and to become a peace force protecting  the less powerful countries, especially by helping to reduce  international bias and military threat.

Economy is the major area of  Rome's revival. The area of the European Common Market is about 1/6 of the US;  its population is 46 million more than that of the US; but its production is only 2/3 of the US. The European Common Market includes the largest automobile and agricultural production site in the world.

The feet and the toes in the great image stand for to the revival of Rome (Dan. 2: 41). The fourth beast has ten horns on the head (7: 7, 20).  Revelation 13:1, 17:7, 12 also mentioned that the beast had seven heads with ten horns. Some considered that the ten nations joined the Common Market were precisely the ten horns prophesized in the Bible. In January 1st, 1980, the joining of Greece added up to exactly ten members. Many thought this event fulfilled the prophecy of the ten nations in the Bible.

However, later Spain and Portugal successively joined the Common Market and made up the total of 12. In 1992, Hungary, Austria, Romania and Poland also expressed their willingness to take part in the Market.

Then how do all these facts point to the same direction? Some said that another ten nations will stand out; others said that probably some nations are going to withdraw. Regardlessly, the prophecies in the Bible are certain to come to pass.

The best interpretation would be, "ten" represents a perfect number, which means Europe will be unified and become one.

III. The European Union (European Federation)

In 1992, the European Community was expanded to 15 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Belgium, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Greece). In addition 13 countries were applyig to join. The above 15 countries signed the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, agreeing to convert the European Community to European Union.

In the past all European countries practised self-governing. On April, 4th, 1949, Western Europe formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). At that time there were 16 member countries: US, Canada, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark and Norway. Against NATO was the Warsaw Treaty Organization established in  Eastern Europe. Since March 1990 through December 1991, the 14 countries in the USSR seccesssively  became independent. On December 26th the Soviet Union was announced to be no longer in existence and Eastern Europe was gradually dissolving. On October 3rd, East and West Germany were unified, Berlin Wall was torn down. There have been no more strong opposing stands within Europe.

From November 19th to 22nd, 1990, the second leaders conference of European Peace Community was held in Paris. The "New European Paris Constitution" was singed during the meeting, annoucing that NATO and Warsaw Treaty Orgainztion  were no longer enemy to each other. This is the beginning development of the European Union.

Currently the countries that are waiting on line to enlist the European Union are: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Luthuania, Latvia, Estonia.

IV.  Europe Will Be Uinited

The act of the Europeans unifying Europe was already predicted in the Bible which said Rome will be revived. After the unification of Europe it will be called the "United States of Europe." In 1993 "Single European Act" was put to effect.

1. Single European Act:

       On July 1st, 1987 it was predicted that economic unifcation would be achieved on December 31st, 1992. However, such plan did not become reality.

2. In the middle of October, 1991, a fight for the capital of Europe occurred. Paris, Berlin and Brussels were all competing to become the "capital of Great Europe".

3. At the same time the European Community made another advancement:

       Luthuania, Latvia, Estonia applied to to join the European Community, as well as Austria, Sweden, Malta, Cyprus and Turkey.  The seven countries of the European Free Trade Association requested to actualize free assets in commerce, personnel, labor services, and capital investment together with the European Community in January 1993 when the European market  was unified. At the time the countries of the Free Trade Association would become the "permitted member countries" of the European Community. According to the "Roman Treaty" of the European Community, they cannot reject any country with democratic political system and who's practising market economy to join the Community. As a result, the count of the member countries in the European Community would increase to 36.

       The Euroepean Community has made every effort to widen partnership, accelarating economic and political unification.

4. In 1992 the European Community began to issue a uniform passport.

5. "Euro" is recognized in the market.

       " Euro" came from the word "Europe." according to Greek mythology, King Aeolus had a daughter called Europa.  Zeus fell in love with beautiful Europa. He turned himself into a handsome and tame baffulo carrying the princess to cross a sea. When they reached a continent  he made the princess wife to him. The princess woke up from her unconciousness and felt very angry. The god of love, Aethiopis told her, " you are born to become the wife of Zeus, your name will be remembered for generations to come because the continent that you are receiving will be called 'Europea.' " Princess Europa certainly would not have forseen that her name not only became the name of a continent but also of an international currency.

       In March 1979 the European currency system was established and served as a base for the actualization of  "single currency." In 1986 the "Single European Law" helped to set the goal of achieving single currency.

       To build an European currency confederation, they have to go through three stages.

       Fist Stage: Starting from July 1st, 1990, the main task is to strenghthen international coordination in economic policies and cooperation between central banks.

       Second Stage: Starting from January 1st, 1994, the main task is to adjust the various budgeting policies.

       In December 1995, the heads of the European Union officialized  "Euro" during the conference in Madrid. "Euro" was voted to become  the common currency unit, whose value is approximately one American dollar.

       In 1996 a green cover document was issued and explains in detail how currency unification will be actualized.

      In March or April 1998, the "European Central Bank" will be founded and it will start to print Euro money. The former institution of European Central Bank was the "European Currency Institution" with headquarter in Frankfurt; Lawrence Alexandar was the president.

       Third Stage:

(1) First Session: From 1999 through 2001 is the transitional period.

Starting from January 1st, 1999, currency unification is put to effect. Euro is a legal currency but the currency of the various nations are still allowed to be in use.

(2) Second Session: Starting from January to June, 2002, paper and coin Euro dollars are in use.

 A set of Euro paper money includes seven face values, they are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 dollars respectively. The papers' base colors are grey, red, blue, orange, green, yellow and light purple, representing the seven periods of development in the history of Europe: ancient Rome, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Period Lumen ( Enlightenment Absolutism Period ), steel and glass and the recent 20th Century modern Period.

The Euro coin for all the eight catagories ranging from 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, 1 dollar to 2 dollars.

1 Euro=$1.17 or 9.68 Yuans.

(3) Third Session: From July 1st, 2002, the various national currencies will disappear in the market. Euro will become a single currency.

15 countries signed the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, agreeing to convert the European Community to European Union. But now only 11 countries are in use. Denmark, Greece, Sweden and England are not in use.

       After the introduction of Euro, it will share the power and influence with the American dollars in the international monetary system.

       The former version of the European Currency Unit (E.C.U.) is the European Billing Unit. Currently the use of ECU has already exceeded the boundary of European Community and entered international market.

6. No more cash in the future:

"And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that they should give them a mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead; and that no one should be able to buy or sell save he that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of its name." (Rev. 13:16-17)

       Before the 90s there was already the practice of not using cash in trade.

       Credit cards can now replace cash. Such use will lead to the elimination of cash in future.

       Let's first study magnet cards: they are a tool in paying bills invented in the 50’s, same as the credit cards issued by banks.

       "Memory card," invented by scientist, Roland Moore  in the early 70s. It contains  electric circuits. In 1980, E Bright of England called this card the Smart Card because it's just like a mini computer.

       In 1992, European Community prepared to unifiy the monetary system and to found a European central bank and a unified currency.

       In future no one will be using cash, especially during the seven year Tribulation, everyone will be given a mark by the beast. A person without this mark cannot buy or sell. What kind of mark is this then? It has to contain the name of the beast or the number of its name, " Here is wisdom. He that has understanding let him count the number of the beast; for it is a man's number; and its number [is] six hundred [and] sixty-six." (Rev. 13:18) The "beast" here stands for Anti-Christ, its number is "six hundred and sixty-six". There are many interpretations given to this number. Now let's pay attention only to what relate to the European currency.

       There is a city in Belgium called Brussels, in the city there is a commercial computer that stands as high as a three floor building. Its name is "The Beast." All the goods produced by the Beast are marked the name "FDR,"  functioning  to sustitute cash.

       Israel bought a huge computer from the US company, Lear Siglar, with which the goods produced are marked "666".

       All of these events are paving the way of the seven years Tribulation in the future.

       The current problems of the European banks: British banks now have misgiving about Germany. There is also competition in France. Who then has the right to manage the central bank, Germany, England or France? There have been eight countries fighting for the previlege to manage the European banks.

7. The complexity of European problems:

       During the 18th and the 19th century, numerous wars occurred in France. In the 20th century, both World Wars were initiated in Germany. After World War, not only was Germany divided, the whole European continent was divided. Since 1980, many people considered both World Wars as the great European wars. During the seven years Tribulation, Europe will hold a superior stand in military and economic field.

       The former British minister was against European unification. Later she left the office. The subsequent minister, Major favored unification. England and France now have underground pathway, which demonstrates their intention for unification.

8. Since 1996 through the early 1997, the over-all appearance of Europe has manifested a trend toward unification.

       During the past several decades, the European Union has been in a form of community and it worked for one major goal -to actualize economic unification. Since the 90’s, the European Union has became unprecendently strong.

       In 1995, the European Union decided to make a great break-through with the "new tactics heading toward Asia" and "policies on European long-term relationtionshi#p."

       In 1996, the "over-all appereance " is one of the strong area of European Union. In December, 1996, the Nato leaders' conference held in Dublin was successful. During the conference a list of the first group of countries entering NATO on July 8th and 9th, 1997 was confirmed: Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. A major move in the European Union was rnade possible with France and Germany compromising in trade. In July, 1997, the leaders' conference held in Madrid finally permitted these countries to become part of NATO.

       The meeting of 1997 was to get ready to expand the boundaries of the Union with more new member countries. It also confirmed the list of the first group of countries joining the European Currency Confederation in 1999. This proves that the actualization of currency unification is on the right track, an optimistic scene has been casted.

       However, recently during the negotiation the U.K. still expressed its opposition toward a further phrase of unification which is a revolution within the Union. Moreover, most people in Sweden and Denmark also opposed unification. Despite the increasing pressure, the European Union is still the most affluent international orgainization in the world. It's a huge magnet attracting neighboring countries in its East and West.

       The new British minister, Tony Blair said that he will take further step to deepen the relationship between the U.K. and European Union. On May 7th, 1997, Derek Fatchett the new Foreign Secretary criticized the stand that the former minister had taken opposing the Union. He said that he hopes the U.K., France and Germany will become the most influential member nations in the Union.

V. The Bible Prophecies of the Revival and the Unification of Rome (the site of Europe).

       Having seen the major trend in Europe from various angles, we now go back to the Bible to see how it predicts the unification of European, then we would be truly amazed!

2500 years ago, Daniel already prophesied that Rome will be broken into many fragments and which will eventually be recombined in the end time.

"And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potter's clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And [as] the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay, the kingdom shall be partly stong and partly fragile. And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay." (Dan 2:41-43)

Please notice that being "divided" and "mixed" are only transitional stages. Be careful to read the word "kingdom" , here it is singular. "The kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron..." (v.41) Chapter seven also mentioned the same event,

"He said thus: The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon the earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And as to the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall arise ten kings……." (Dan 7:23-24) This kingdom in the future is exactly the kingdom of the European Union.

Now let's look at the prophecies in Revelation.

" And I saw: and behold, a white horse, and he that sat upon it having a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering and that he might conquer." (Rev. 6:2)

This chapter describes the events during the seven year Tribulation after Jesus Christ's glorious emergency on the sky above. "White horse" refers to the revived Rome; "he that sat upon it" is the leader of Rome. Now there are already signs of Rome's revival; however, the real revival comes after the rapture of the church. 

In the past Europe frequently had been in wars and remained divided, there was not much hope for coming together. Many people attempted to unify and take over the whole continent but failed.

Revelation Chapter 18 uses the great city of Babylon to allude to the revived Rome, which is united (Rev. 18:2, 10, 14, 18, 21).  All of these are events during the seven year Tribulation. As soon as the disaster is over, Christ will descend from the sky to the earth. He will destroy the great city of Babylon, particularly the unified Europe.

" And I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and one sitting on it, [called] Faithful and True, and he judges and makes wars in righteousness. And his eyes are a flame of fire, and upon his head many diadems, having a name written which no one knows but himself; and [he is] clothed with a garment dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which [are] in the heaven followed him upon white horses, clad in white pure, fine linen. And out of his mouth goes a sharp [two-edged] sword, that with it he might smite the nations; and he shall shepherd them with an iron rod; and the treads of the wine-press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. And he has upon his garment, and upon his thigh, a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords." (Rev. 19: 11-16)

This scripture is about the second phase of Jesus' return. The one who's sitting on the white horse is Christ. The one who's also sitting on the white horse in chapter 6, verse 2 is a different person; he's the leader of Rome. That is the beginning of the great disaster. When Christ is riding a white horse descending from above and carrying out His judgement, first "He might smite the nations," especially the revived Roman Empire and other nations. Rome will eventually perish.

The strange thing is, other than Europe, the other four continents would be unlikely to achieve any unification in a grand scale. Only Europe has gone this much length because the prophecies in the Bible are made to come to pass. When we read about the recent progress of the European Union, not only should we believe that the Bible comes from God, moreover we ought to keep in mind that the day of the Lord's return is indeed approaching.

Please do not just feel glad that the the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled. After Jesus told the disciples the prophecies of His second coming, He said, " But now this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have watched and not have suffered his house to be dug through." ( Mat. 24:43) If we just know the prophecies, but do not watch out, the thief would dig through our spiritual house. In the end time there are people claiming they are Christ, they would dig through our houses and take away all we have. Many cults are rising. It is a pity that many people have decided to follow the cults, and thus brought misery onto their own.

We not only need to watch out, moreover we need to get ready. Jesus said, "Wherefore ye also, be ye ready." (Mat. 24:44) To watch out is an act of defense; to get ready is an act of attack. Those who want their spiritual life to grow must not stop marching forward. We must not waste any time in completing the work that is assigned by the Lord. Those who labor need to be faithful and wise, "Who then is the faithful and prudent bondman whom his lord has set over his household...Blessed is that bondman whom his lord on coming shall find doing thus." (45-46) Not only we need to be awake, we need to be faithful (in daily life), also prudent (in knowledge), so that we would be blameless while waiting for the Lord's return. Brothers and sisters, time is running short, Christ's second coming is near. It is crucial that we do not overlook any area, otherwise we would feel regretful when we are meeting  the Lord face to face. I hope that all of us will recieve praises from Him, then we are truly blessed!   

Apr. 1, 1997.


Great Image

Fours Beasts



Years of Duration


Gold Head






Silver Arm


Medo Persia




Brass Belly






Iron Feet

Un-named Beast


63BC-AD395(later divided into East & West Rome)



Euro from 1999


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